So scared

"Mhmm, I missed you so much love" said Liam as he and Wura were sitting beside the riverbank and Liam hugged Wura from behind as she sat down in front of him and they hugged each other.

"I missed you too" said Wura as she laughed.

"I have to admit that pretending to be cold towards you was very hard" said Liam as Wura laughed, her laughter was always delightful music to his ears.

"And when you acted cold towards me and pretended as if I did not exist, it was like a slap in the face" said Liam as he laughed and Wura laughed.

"Well that is what you get for being cold towards me" said Wura as Liam smelled her hair, it smelled like fresh flowers.

"Hmm and I regret it" said Liam as Wura turned to look at him as she laughed and she gave him a kiss.

"it is just so nice to be here, you and me" said Liam as he smiled.

"I know" said Wura with a smile.

"My love, I never knew that you could be so strong, I was so stunned when I saw the beast killed" said Liam.

"If I am being honest Liam, I was so scared, so very scared, but at that moment, I did not care about anything at all other than saving Darla, because the look of fear on her face hit me" said Wura.

"I can only imagine" said Liam as he hugged her.

"I do not even know how I managed to kill that thing, but one thing was for sure, my bones were aching after what happened" said Wura as she laughed and Liam laughed.

"I believe that, handling a sword and killing a beast of that size is not easy, I never knew that you could be so brave, it makes me love you even more" said Liam as he laughed and Wura laughed.

"Oh so your love is based on bravery?" asked Wura as she laughed.

"Oh you know that is not true my love" said Liam as he laughed.

"I know" said Wura as she laughed.

"But I am sad" said Wura.

"Why my love?" asked Liam.

"I left the sword that you gifted me" said Wura as she pouted and Liam laughed.

"Oh but you do not need to be sad about that my love, it was only a sword" said Liam as he laughed.

"I know, but it was my favourite sword, since you gifted it to me, and I am sad that I left it behind" said Wura as Liam gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"You do not have to be sad about a sword my love, I can buy you a million swords if that will make you happy" said Liam as Wura laughed.

"You will?" asked Wura in surprise as Liam nodded.

"Thank you love" said Wura as she laughed and Liam laughed.

"How about we go for a swim in the river?" asked Liam as he laughed and Wura looked at him in surprise.

"No, I do not think so Liam, that sounds like a bad idea" said Wura as she shook her head.

"Come on, just a little quick swim" said Liam as he laughed.

"No Liam, I have no spare clothes with me to change into, and also, if we swim how do I explain what happened to the others?" Wura.

"Well you do not need clothes, I can lend you mine" said Liam as Wura laughed and she pushed him away.

"Could you be anymore… oh I do not even know what to say about this, but I know where your mind is" said Wura as she laughed.

"Oh really now?" asked Liam as Wura nodded.

"Yes I do" said Wura as she nodded.

"And please do tell me my love, where is my mind?" asked Liam as he laughed.

"In a very bad place, that is where" said Wura as Liam pulled her closer back to him as she pushed him away and he laughed.

"No, no I know your thoughts Liam, you cannot fool me" said Wura as she laughed and she struggled as Liam laughed and she pushed him as he landed on the ground and she landed on top of him.

"You say that my thoughts are impure, and yet here you are" said Liam as Wura could not believe what she was hearing right now.

"Oh Liam, I never knew that you could be like this" said Wura as Liam laughed.

"I am like this for you my love" said Liam as Wura laughed.

"So childish" said Wura as she kissed him and he kissed her back as she closed her eyes and they moved their heads to the side as they kissed for longer and Liam held Wura closer to himself.

"Mhmm, Liam… Liam, stop for a bit" said Wura in between kisses.

"Should I really my love?" asked Liam as he kissed her.

"Yes, stop, not right now, not in the open, what if someone sees us?" asked Wura as Liam kissed her more and she panted as she was short of breath.

"Then let them see, I frankly don't care" said Liam as he kissed her and he pressed her closer to him.

"No Liam, stop, stop, we are going too far" said Wura as she could not lie that she wanted to end their kisses, she did not want to, but she was starting to feel weird, and she knew that it was not a good feeling at this point.

"You are not ready yet my love?" asked Liam as he pulled away and Wura heaved as she nodded.

"No, not yet, it is not the right time yet" said Wura.

"Well then, in that case, alright then" said Liam as he gave her one last kiss.

"Thank you Liam" said Wura as she kissed him, she knew that it was as hard for him as it was for her, and she really wished that everything would be settled soon, so they would finally be one, together.

"You do not have to thank me my love, at leas by your reaction I know that you feel the same way that I do" said Liam as he helped Wura up and she hugged him.

"Of course I do my darling, I love you so much" said Wura as Liam laughed.

"And so do I" he said with a smile.

"I think that we truly should get going now, before Nora gets worried" said Liam as he laughed and Wura laughed.

"I agree with you, knowing how Nora is" said Wura as she laughed and Liam carried her.

"Liam, put me down" said Wura as she looked at him.

"No, I want to carry you back to the inn" said Liam as he laughed.

"You cannot be serious, what if someone sees us?" asked Wura.

"You are so concerned with someone seeing us" said Liam as he laughed.

"Well yes, because people can see, they have eyes do they not?" asked Wura as Liam laughed.

"Put me down Liam, if you want to carry anything, then help me carry those buckets of water" said Wura as she laughed.

"Alright my love" said Liam as he laughed and he kissed her nose as he put her down and he walked to carry both the buckets.

"Thank you my darling" said Wura as she laughed and she and Liam made their way back to the inn.

"Why do you look like that?" asked Mero as he looked at Nora who was pacing up and down.

"Oh Sir Mero, I am worried about my lady, I was going to the river to fetch some water, and she insisted that she would like to be the one to go, and she did not allow me go, and now she is still nowhere to be found, I fear that something bad could have happened to her" said Nora.

"I think that you are overreacting Nora, her majesty is not as delicate as you think" said Mero.

"I know that, but what if something bad happened?? We should go and look for her" said Nora.

"I do not think that will be necessary" said Mero.

"And why not?" asked Nora.

"Well because her majesty is right there" said Mero as he pointed ahead and Nora looked in that direction and she saw Liam and Wura walking together as they were talking and laughing and Nora shook her head and she laughed internally, of course, she should have known.

"My lady, we were worried about you" said Mero as Wura looked at him.

"Oh… well I was held up at the river" said Wura as she smiled.

"I see" said Mero.

"And you Liam, I did not know that you went to the river?" asked Mero as he looked at Liam.

"Oh well, I did, and I also happened to meet Lily there, so we decided to come back together" said Liam as he smiled.

"Hmm I see" said Mero as Nora laughed internally.

"Well Lily, I will see you later" said Liam as he placed the water buckets on the ground and he smiled as he walked away.

"Goodbye Liam" said Wura with a smile as he smiled at her and Mero looked at Wura who just pretended to be oblivious as he walked away.

"My lady you and his majesty" said Nora as Wura laughed.

"We spent some time together to talk" said Wura as she laughed and Nora just shook her head.

"Oh come on Nora, do not look at me like that" said Wura as she laughed and she carried one bucket as Nora carried the other.

"Whatever you say my lady, whatever you say" said Nora as she laughed and she and Wura walked away.