Be there

The next morning.

"Tessa, you need to eat something, you cannot allow yourself to be this devastated, thing is affecting you and Lily as well, you have been unable to feed her" said Ireti with a sigh as Tessa just looked at her.

"I do not want to eat Reti, I cannot eat , how can I when my Richie is being accused of something he had nothing to do with?" asked Tessa as there were more tears in her eyes.

"And worst of all, I cannot even go and see him, at least let me see him, but no, I am not allowed in the dungeon, all this is unfair" said Tessa as more tears dropped from her eyes.

"I know that this is hard for you Tessa, but Lily needs you, she has been crying non stop" said Ireti.

"Ireti, please continue to take care of her for me, I cannot do that right now, I beg you" said Tessa as Ireti sighed.

"Alright Tessa, alright but please eat" said Ireti as Tessa nodded.

"Good Morrow Mother, Good Morrow Aunt" said Wura as she walked into Tessa's room.

"Good Morrow Wura" replied Ireti.

"Your Aunt Is not doing well, please try to make her eat a little" said Ireti.

"I will mother, do not worry" said Wura as Ireti nodded and she walked out of the room as Wura walked to the bed that Tessa had not stood up from the entire day.

"Aunt, can I join you?" asked Wura as Tessa patted beside her and Wura got into the bed with her.

"Aunt how are you doing?" asked Wura as she rested her head on Tessa's shoulder.

"I am horrible my dear, just horrible" replied Tessa as she sniffed.

"I am sorry Aunt, this is all my fault, I should have known and tried to protect my family no matter what, you know that it is family first before anything else Aunt" said Wura.

"No my dear, it is no your fault at all, you have more responsibilities" said Tessa as she sniffed.

"So stop saying that it is your fault, because it really is not" said Tessa.

"Oh Aunt" said Wura as she sighed.

"I am just upset that I cannot go and see him, I tried to but the dungeon keeper stopped me from going any further" said Tessa.

"Aunt, it was Uncle who asked me not to let you see him, he does not want to see you see him the way he is" said Wura.

"Well I do not care, I already know the way he is, miserable, just like me, just let me see him Wura, I beg you, we made a promise to be there for each other in sickness and in health, in bad times and in good, till we both die, so I am going to be here for him now" said Tessa.

"Him keeping me away is just nonsense, I need to be there for him, we are together forever" said Tessa.

"Marriage is not just being there for good times, but standing by each other in bad times as well, but my Richie is just too stubborn to listen to me" said Tessa with a sniff.

"We have been through worse together, and yet now, he does not want him to stand by him, one thing you must know dear is that men are stupid" said Tessa as Wura could not help but laugh.

"Oh but it is very true my dear, they would love to be there for you, but when it is their turn to need you to be there for them, they push you away, pretend as if they are strong and can handle it on their own, that is just nothing but pure stupidity" said Tessa.

"As a wife, your duty is to never leave your husband alone, no matter how stupid he is, because God knows he needs you, men are blocked headed beings with ego and pride and all sorts of nonsense" said Tessa.

"Aunt you really are annoyed with men today" said Wura as she laughed.

"Of course I am, that stupid loving husband of mine, I am even more worried here than I would be when I see him" said Tessa.

"Aunt, you can go and see him, I should have never listened to him when he told me to keep you away, I should have considered how you would think about it" said Wura.

"It is alright dear, you know how your uncle is, always thinking that his way is right and best" said Tessa as she sighed.

"I know Aunt, and he is so confusing as well, he said something about a man always reaping what he sows" said Wura.

"My mind cannot just overlook his words, I know Uncle Richard, and what he says he means, It makes no sense to me" said Wura as Tessa sniffed.

"Well my dear, if I tell you the truth, your uncle back in the day used to be a rebel, it was one of the reasons why my mother did not want me marrying him, among some other things, but we love each other, and after a long time we got married" said Tessa.

"He might have been a rebel then due to his background, but when he decided to be serious with me, he left any sort of gathering associated with rebels, he turned over a new leaf and he became the wonderful Richie that I still love" said Tessa with a smile.

"My brother told me about the letter Elder Foden has as evidence, I am sure it is forged, his signature is there truly, but I am sure that there Is some foul play, your uncle would never sign something like that, he knows the implications of it" said Tessa.

"I believe so too Aunt, but what can we say? There is no magic present for us to assume that Elder Foden did forge It, but we cannot prove it, that is the problem" said Wura with a sigh as Tessa sighed.

"Well everything will be alright, like my Richie says, the truth will always come out" said Tessa as Wura agreed with her.

"My Queen, with what Elder Foden is presenting as evidence, it Is proving difficult to vindicate your uncle" said Mero.

"After all the letter was truly signed in your uncle' s name" said Mero as he spoke to Wura as they were in Liam's office.

Things were proving difficult for him, and he did not want to let Wura down.

"That letter is forged Mero, I just do not know how it was forged but it was…" said Wura as she was trying to think of a something that could have happened.

In the same moment a sparrow entered into the office and Lown turned back into his true form.

"Greetings my Queen, Greetings Mero" said Lown as he bowed.

"Greetings Lown" said Wura.

"My Queen I come with urgent news, I found out about what happened to your uncle, and I set out to follow after Elder Foden" said Lown as he went straight to point.

"And as I did that, I found out that Elder Foden forged the letter he presented to you as evidence my Queen" said Lown.

"How did he do that?" asked Wura as she knew that she was right.

"Well I do not know what the name of the object he used was called, but he wrote a letter, and he brought out what looked like some sort of old looking letter which he dipped in ink carefully and stuck to the letter he wrote, and that in turn copied all the signatures that was on the old letter onto the new one" said Lown as he explained as well as he could.

"Forgery!" said Wura as she hit her hand on the desk and stood up, she knew it, she knew the letter had been forged, she only needed evidence and nothing more.

"For how long did you follow Elder Foden?" asked Mero as Lown looked at him.

"Since yesterday, I only just left him now to come and tell you what I know" said Lown.

"This proves what I thought the letter was forged just like I thought, Elder Foden must have gotten an old letter and conspired this whole thing up, and I know that he surely is not alone in this" said Wura.

"My Queen, wait first, even if this is the truth, how are we supposed to prove how we know this?" asked Mero as Wura looked at him.

"Lown, tell me, can you carry the object you saw over here?" asked Wura as she looked at Lown.

"I am afraid not my Queen, it is far to heavy for me to carry here as a bird, and carrying it as a man would be very suspicious, I cannot bring it to you my Queen" said Lown as Wura sighed, she had to think of another way.

"But my Queen, I can turn into the object" said Lown.

"You can?" asked Wura in surprise.

"Yes I can my Queen" said Lown as he nodded.

"But can you not only turn into living objects, and not inanimate objects?" asked Mero.

"I can turn into inanimate objects, but it is very draining for me, I might risk turning into the object permanently" said Lown.

"But I can certainly do It for you my Queen" said Lown with a smile, he was prepared to help in anyway he could assist Wura.

"Thank you Lown, really thank you, I appreciate you for doing this for me, I promise you, I only need a few minutes to put that Elder Foden in his place" said Wura as she was not going to let him win this time, she was going to make sure to make him pay and never ever dare try to do anything against her or her family ever again.