Truly stop

A few days later.

Everything had gone back to normal, the way it was supposed to be, Richard had been released and Elder Foden had tendered his apology to her family, and Wura was sure that he would not ever dare to harm her or her family again.

Or else, he would face grave consequences, and that would serve as an example to everyone else who wanted to harm her, she could be as dangerous as dangerous could be when it came to her family.

"My Queen" called Nora as she walked into Liam's office with a smile.

"What is it Nora?" asked Wura with a smile as she looked up at Nora.

"My Queen, the Seamstress Lady Lillia has just sent over your new dresses my Queen" said Nora with a smile.

"Oh I see" said Wura as she was surprised.

"Yes my Queen, she apologizes for not coming to see you" said Nora with a smile.

"That is no bother at all, I hope that you expressed my gratitude towards her?" asked Wura with a smile.

"Yes I did my Queen" replied Nora with a smile as she nodded and Wura nodded.

"My Queen, how do you feel?" asked Nora with a smile.

"Oh Nora, honestly, I miss my parents so much" replied Wura with a sigh as she looked at Nora.

Her family had agreed that after what happened, it would be best for them to leave and go back to the plains, so Wura would be safe and not have to worry about them.

Wura strongly disagreed with this, but they did not listen to her at all, and she could not stop them, so they had left early this morning, and the prior loneliness that she had felt had settled back in again and she was trying to drown herself in work to take her mind off her feelings.

"I did not want them to go, if anything they would be safer here with me, but no, they did not listen to me and they left anyway" said Wura with a sigh.

"You know that they did it to protect you my Queen" said Nora.

"Oh Nora, please do not tell me that you are on their side as well, I do not need them to protect me, I just need them to be here for me, to be near me, that is what family is for" said Wura as Nora just smiled at her.

"You know that they care for you, and they only want the best for you my Queen, so I do side with them on this matter" said Nora with a smile.

"I frankly do not think that Elder Foden will truly stop, and even if he does, there are certainly others like him who would like to use your family as a weakness to you" said Nora.

"My Queen, imagine if Lown had no followed Elder Foden, things would have turned out differently, I agree that it is best for your family to stay a distance away, just for now" said Nora as Wura sighed, she knew that Nora was right.

"I know Nora, I know, but I cannot help but just feel lonelier than before" said Wura with a sigh.

"I am sure that you will be alright my Queen, you are strong" said Nora with a smile as Wura smiled at her.

"Oh Nora, you always just know what to say to make me feel better" said Wura with a smile.

"That is my duty to you my Queen, now, should I get you some tea to make you relax?" asked Nora with a smile.

"No Nora, that is not necessary at all, but I do need you to go to Liam's room and find me a letter that I took over there to read last night" said Wura with a smile.

"Alright my Queen, I will go get it for you" said Nora with a smile.

"Thank you Nora" said Wura with a smile, she did not know what she would do without Nora by her side.

Nora just smiled as she walked out of Liam's office to get Wura what she asked for.

Nora entered into Liam's room as she walked to the messy bed as she found the letter and she picked it up and placed it on the table as she walked back to the bed to make it properly.

She was sure that Wura had not had any time to make her bed this morning as she usually did.

Nora smoothed out the blanket, fluffed the pillows and made the bed as she heard a knock on the door as she thought that it was probably one of the maids.

"Enter" said Nora as the door opened.

"Oh Sir Mero, Good Noon" said Nora with a smile as she looked up and she saw Mero walk into the room.

"Good Noon Nora" replied Mero.

"I thought that it was one of the maids" said Nora with a smile as Mero just nodded.

"What brings you here Sir Mero?" asked Nora.

"I was looking for her Majesty, do you know where she is? There is something important that I have to discuss with her" said Mero as Nora nodded.

"Yes I do Sir Mero, her Majesty is in his Majesty's office, she asked me to come here and get a letter for her" said Nora.

"I see" said Mero.

"Yes" said Nora with a smile.

"How is she?" asked Mero.

"Well she is doing well, but she misses her family terribly, but I told her that it was for the best" said Nora.

"it was really for the best, people do not give up easily, they would notice that they are her weakness and try to use them against her" said Mero as Nora nodded.

"I thought the same was Sir Mero" said Nora.

"Mero" called Mero as Nora looked at him in confusion.

"Excuse me?" asked Nora in confusion.

"Call me Mero" said Mero.

"Oh… Ahhh…" said Nora as she realized what he was talking about.

"Did I do something to offend you Sir Mero?" asked Nora.

"No, but why do you call me Sir Mero?" asked Mero.

"Well because it is your title, and I respect you by calling you by your title" said Nora.

"You do not call Zuph or Elihu by their title" said Mero.

"Ahh… well that Is because…" said Nora as she did not know what to say, she was put in a tight spot now.

"Because of what?" asked Mero.

"Because I… we are close, I respect them, and we are close" said Nora.

"Are we not close as well?" asked Mero as Nora looked at his with wide eyes and she shook her head, they were not close.

"No, no we are not" replied Nora as Mero valued her honesty.

"I do not need you to refer to me by my title, I know that you respect me, so just call me Mero" said Mero.

"Oh… alright Sir Mero… I mean Mero" said Nora as she corrected herself and Mero smiled.

"Better" replied Mero as Nora just smiled and she nodded her head, she did not see Mero as someone who would care about something as trivial as this.

"I will go and see her Majesty now, take care Nora" said Mero.

"And you too Mero" said Nora with a smile as Mero walked out of the room.

"My Queen, I need to speak with you" said Mero as he walked into Liam's office.

"Sure Mero, what is it?" asked Wura as she looked at Mero with a smile.

"My Queen, the yearly knights summer festival is coming up, and your permission is needed to continue on with the preparations" said Mero.

"The Summer Festival?" asked Wura in confusion.

"Yes my Queen" said Mero.

"For the knights, what is that about?" asked Wura as she had never heard of it before.

"Well my Queen, it is a festival for young knights and old ones to come together and relax for three nights" said Mero.

"I see, and what exactly is done in this festival at night?" asked Wura.

"Well many things my Queen" said Mero.

"Elaborate more Mero, I want to know" said Wura.

"Well things like music, dancing, and drinking" said Mero.

"Drinking what?" asked Wura.

"Wine, mead, among some other things" replied Mero.

"Ahh so it is a sort of festival for you knights to have an excuse to drink" said Wura as she understood now.

"Well if you put it that way my Queen, but it is something like that" said Mero.

"Men and drinking, what does getting drunk make you feel?" asked Wura.

"Although I know that you would not get drunk" said Wura.

"Yes my Queen" said Mero.

"Well alright then, you have my permission to do whatever you want to do, but I do not want any trouble Mero, please ensure that everything runs smoothly, I do not want an injuries, any fights, anything dangerous" said Wura as she did not want any problems.

"You do not have to worry my Queen, I will make sure that everything goes well, and nothing dangerous will happen" said Mero.

"Alright then" said Mero calmly.

"Thank you for your permission my Queen" said Mero as he bowed.

"You are welcome Mero" said Wura with a smile.

"I will take my leave now" said Mero as Wura nodded and Mero left the room, Wura hoped that Mero had told her the truth, she allowed the celebration since Mero said that it was yearly, and she did not want to disappoint the knights as she was sure that they were certainly looking forward to it.