I can

Wura felt a stinging sensation in the back of her throat as she closed her eyes and felt a burning sting as she gulped it all down.

"*Ugh*" said Wura to herself as she shivered, she had never drank before, it was so bitter and it stung so much, her eyes were watery.

"My Queen are you alright?" asked Mero as he looked at Wura who was fanning herself with her hand as she nodded her head.

"I am just fine Mero" said Wura with a smile.

"Let the celebration continue!" said Wura with a smile as the knights all cheered and the music resumed playing as Wura walked to the table where Mero and the others were as Luc stood up for her.

"Thank you Luc" said Wura with a smile her eyes were still watery, drinking was so bitter, and it burned, she did not know what kind of enjoyment people got from drinking.

"My Queen, are you alright?" asked Zechariah.

"Oh I am just fine, I am going to join you" said Wura with a smile.

"But why my Queen?" asked Zuph in confusion, this did not make sense at all, and he could not lie that Wura's presence did not make them feel uncomfortable.

"Because I can" replied Wura as she raised her voice higher, as the chants and music started to get louder.

Zuph, Zechariah, Luc and Mero all looked at each other, they did not understand what was going on here.

"My Queen, it is late, and you have a very early morning tomorrow, I believe it would be best if you g to bed now" said Mero as Wura looked at him and scoffed.

"I am going nowhere, I have as much right as everyone else to be here" said Wura.

"But my Queen…" said Mero as he was cut off.

"But nothing, if your King was the one here it would be no problem for you, in fact, you would cheer him on to join you" said Wura with a scoff.

"But because I am a woman I am not allowed here right?" asked Wura.

"My Queen, it is not like that at all" said Zechariah as Wura looked at him.

"Well to me it is, I am the Queen, if it really does not bother you, then allow me to stay, it is not like I need your permission to stay here, I will do what I want" said Wura as all the men around her looked at each other, they wondered if she was alright, this was not like her at all.

"You are right my Queen, you can do whatever pleases you" said Zuph.

"Thank you" said Wura as she smiled as everyone around her were uncomfortable, this was no place for her at all.

"Now, I would like something to drink" said Wura as she looked around.

"I can get you some water my Queen" said Luc.

"I do not want water, I want what you are drinking, what everyone else is drinking" said Wura as Luc looked at Mero who shook his head.

"My Queen, I do not think that you can handle what I am drinking my Queen, this is gin, is stings and burns" said Luc as he was trying to discourage Wura from wanting to drink.

"And yet you are drinking it" said Wura as she scoffed.

"Men…" said Wura to herself as she shook her head.

"Alright, then get me something else to drink, not water" said Wura as they all looked at Mero who shook his head and Wura looked at him as she scoffed.

"Elihu, my favourite knight" said Wura as she smiled at Elihu, he seemed to be the only one not outrightly trying to stop her from enjoying herself a bit.

"My Queen" said Elihu.

"What would you say is a less bitter drink?" asked Wura with a smile, she hated the drink she had earlier it was so bitter.

"Mead my Queen, it is made with honey which is sweet" said Elihu as Zechariah hit him silently on the back, did he want their Queen to get drunk or what?

"That is wonderful, please get some for me" said Wura as she smiled, that sounded more enjoyable.

"My Queen…" said Mero as Wura cut him off by holding up her hand as he sighed.

"Alright my Queen" said Elihu as he walked away and returned back with another tankard as he handed it to Wura.

"Thank you Elihu, the best knight among those who believe that I should not be here" said Wura as Elihu smiled and Mero glared at him.

"My Queen, that is not it at all" said Mero as Wura ignored him and she drank the mead.

"Mhmm, now this is better" said Wura with a smile as this was sweeter than the other drink.

"Get me another Elihu" said Wura as Mero glared at Elihu telling him with his eyes that if he dare take another step he would kill him.

"Fine, I will do it myself" said Wura as she stood up and she scoffed as she walked to get her drink herself, she had not been able to sleep, so this would be a good distraction for her to get her mind off everything that was bothering her.

"What is wrong with her Majesty this evening?" asked Zechariah in confusion.

"Something is bothering her, and she does not want to say what it is, but drinking will not make her feel any better" said Mero as he sighed and Wura came back to sit down.

"My Queen, you should not drink too much" said Mero as Wura ignored him.

"You know Mero, maybe you should drink as well, so you can ease down and leave me alone" said Wura as she drank some more, Mero was not going to drink at all, he could not when she was here and behaving like this.

"It is a celebration a festival, so we should celebrate right" said Wura with a smile as all of them just looked at her.

"The lights are a lot" said Wura as she drank and she giggled.

"My Queen, that is your fifteenth drink, I think that is enough" said Mero as Wura looked at him and giggled.

"Mero leave me alone!, I can handle my drink" said Wura as she giggled.

"It is hot in here, too hot" said Wura as she felt hot as removed the ribbon that was holding her hair in place as it scattered all over her face as she threw her hair back.

"Why is it so hot, open the window" said Wura as she giggled and fanned herself with her hand.

"She is drunk" said Zuph.

"Is that not obvious enough?" asked Zechariah.

"We should not have let her drink" said Luc.

"All of you shush, be quiet" said Wura as she giggled.

"I am not a child, I am allowed to drink" said Wura as she closed her eyes.

"Besides, you all drank, so why can I not join you" said Wura as she raised her tankard up to her lips to drink again as Mero took the tankard away from her and she opened her eyes.

"That is enough my Queen, you are drunk" said Mero as he poured the rest of the drink on the ground.

"Mero, what is your problem, why do you not just leave me alone? Let me drink, let me laugh, let me forget" said Wura in anger as she started to giggle, she was delirious.

"Liam would kill us for letting her drink if he saw her like this" said Elihu.

"Liam is not here, he will never find out, as long as you do not tell him" said Wura as she giggled and made shushing noises as she put her finger to her lips to tell them not to say anything and keep this a secret.

"That Is it, she is more than drunk" said Luc.

"I am not drunk Luc, see, I can walk just find" said Wura as she stood up and her mind was dizzy as she could not walk straight, she lost her balance and almost fell as Mero caught her and she giggled.

"You are so strong Mero, too bad you are annoying, you never let me do what I want" said Wura as she still felt hot and she was sweating.

"I will take her to her room" said Mero as he carried Wura, she obviously could not walk in the state that she was in.

Mero did not wait for any of them to reply as he walked out of the training grounds through the empty quiet halls.

"Mero, where are you taking me? Put me down" said Wura as she closed her eyes, she was so dizzy and everything was spinning, she felt like vomiting.

"I am taking you to your room my Queen, you need to rest, it is late" said Mero.

"Oh but I am not tired Mero, not at all, I want to drink more, drink till morning! Yes" said Wura as she giggled.

"That mead was too sweet, sweet honey" said Wura.

"Honey is sweet, sweet honey" said Wura as she sang.

"Ho *hiccup*, put me down Mero, and give me some more mead *hiccup*" said Wura as she hiccupped and Mero ignored her requests as he entered into Liam's wing he opened the doors.

"My Queen, how do you think Liam would react if he saw you like this?" asked Mero as he opened the door to Liam's room.

"Liam… my Liam…" said Wura as she started to cry.

"Liam left me, I am all alone, without him, I miss him so much" said Wura as she started to sob, so that was it, all of this stemmed from her missing Liam.

"My Queen, I know you miss Liam, but drinking will not solve it, or make you stop being sad, believe me" said Mero as he placed Wura on the bed as she held onto him.

"But it is just so painful, I can feel him right here by me, but he is not here, Liam, come back, I miss you, I love you, come back, I am tired of being alone" said Wura as she cried.

"I am tired of handling everything on my own Liam" said Wura with tears as Mero could not lie that seeing her in pain like this affected her.

"Everything will be fine my Queen, I assure you" said Mero as Wura held his hand and she suddenly stopped crying as everything went silent and Mero had thought that she had fallen asleep, but he was mistaken.

Mero tried to remove his hand from her grip but he seemed to wake her up.

"Do not go anywhere Mero" said Wura, her hair dishevelled her eyes red from crying and her face wet from her tears.

"I will not go anywhere My Queen" said Mero as Wura held his hand tightly as she hiccupped.

"Liam" called Wura.

"Liam" called Wura as she looked at Mero and Mero was sure that she was delusional, she was not seeing things clearly.

"Liam" said Wura.

"I am not Liam my Queen, I am Mero" said Mero.

"Oh Mero, but you are Liam, you look like him, and you smell like him, stop lying to me, you are Liam" said Wura as she giggled and she smelt Mero's hand.

"Liam kiss me, kiss me now Liam" said Wura as she pulled Mero's hand down as he was taken by surprise and he leaned down by force.

"Kiss me" said Wura as she puckered her lips and closed her eyes as she held Mero's face closer to hers forcefully.