An accident

"Liam get back here right now and untie me!!" said Wura in anger as Liam ignored her and he left.

"Liam!!!" called Wura in anger as she was furious, she felt like hitting him right now, how could he treat her like this and tie her up like a child?? This was completely unfair, she felt like screaming and telling him that she hated him, but she did not, she could never hate him.

Wura sighed as she heard Liam's faint voice outside the tent, he seemed to be giving orders, and it was clear that she could not stop him.

Liam turned to the right, he had to see Mero first before he left, he wanted to make sure that Mero was alright.

Liam saw a man come out of a tent with bloody clothes In his hand and Liam was sure that was the Physician that was taking care of Mero.

"How is Mero?" asked Liam as the Physician turned to look at him.

"Ahh my King, he is doing alright now, luckily the wound was not too deep to cause permanent damage" said the Physician as Liam felt relieved to hear that.

"Can I go and see him?" asked Liam.

"Of course you can my King" replied the Physician as he bowed and Liam thanked him as he entered into the tent.

"Your horse my King" came the voice of a knight as he handed Nolan over to Liam as the serious look on Liam's faced changed as he saw Nolan.

"I missed you boy" said Liam as he patted Nolan's snout and smiled as Nolan neighed.

"I know boy, but we have to go right now" replied Liam as he mounted on Nolan.

"We are going now" said Liam as he lead the way and the others followed him, it was time to end this entre thing once and for all.

"My Queen, please try to calm down" said Nora as Wura looked at her and finally remembered that she had been here the entire time.

"How can I calm down Nora? How can I calm down when he tied me up like an animal??" asked Wura in anger.

"He treats me more like a child than his wife" replied Wura in irritation, she was madly upset right now and nothing could calm her down, she felt betrayed more than anything else.

"My Queen, you know that is not true, he only did this because he cares about you" said Nora.

"And please do tell me whose side you are on Nora?" asked Wura as she snapped at Nora who did not seem to mind, she knew that Wura was not in a good mood right now, and It was understandable, Liam had played dirty by tying her up.

"You know that I am always on your side my Queen, but in this matter I agree with his Majesty, out there is a battlefield, it is not safe my Queen" said Nora.

"Then come and untie me" said Wura.

"I apologize my Queen, but I cannot do that, untying you would be going against his Majesty's orders and I would be the one to blame if anything happened to you" said Nora as Wura groaned, she hated that Nora was so loyal.

"But I promised him that I would stay next to him, I would not leave his side at all" said Wura.

"My Queen that may be true, but you might distract him, he would be too focused on you than anything else" said Nora as Wura scoffed, she did not care, husbands did not push their wives away to the side lines, they carried them along, and Liam tying her up was cowardice.

"My Queen, if Mero was harmed in the camp… just imagine what Zechariah and the other knights are facing out there, it is safer for you here my Queen" said Nora as Wura sighed, she hated to admit that Nora was right, and Wura felt a pang of guilt when she mentioned Mero.

"Please my Queen, stay here" said Nora as she pleaded with Wura as Wura sighed.

"He is so selfish, he does not care what I think, doing all of this, if something were to happen to him, I would die" said Wura as the very thought made her stomach churn, she felt like crying right now.

"Oh my Queen, please do not think like that, we need to remain positive" said Nora as she was trying her best to make Wura feel better but she could see that it was not working at all.

"Oh my Queen…" said Nora.

"My Queen, what can I get you to make you feel better? Do you need anything?" asked Nora as Wura sighed.

"A glass of water please Nora" replied Wura, this entire situation was draining her, and she felt so helpless right now.

"Alright my Queen, let me get that for you" said Nora as she smiled and walked to the table where there was a pitcher full of water and Nora poured it into a glass cup and she walked to Wura and handed the glass to her.

"Thank you Nora" said Wura as she drank from the water and Nora smiled as she turned around and Wura purposely let go of the glass as it fell to the ground and shattered into pieces and the water spilt everywhere as that startled Nora and she quickly turned around.

"Oh no, I do not know what I was thinking, look at the mess I made" said Wura as she bent down to try to clean up the mess she had made and she carefully slipped a piece of the glass into her hand as Nora rushed to her.

"That is alright my Queen, it was an accident, wait, there is broken glass everywhere, let me clean it" said Nora as she bent down and picked up the pieces of glass.

"Thank you Nora, I am sorry" said Wura.

"There is no need to be sorry my Queen" said Nora as she smiled and stood up as she turned around to discard of the broken pieces of glass.

As soon as Nora turned around Wura quickly held the piece of glass tightly as she bent down and started to cut through the ropes and in no time at all she cut the ropes tying her legs and she quickly used it to cut the rope tied on her wrist as well as she stood up.

"My Queen!!" gasped Nora as she turned around and Wura threw the piece of glass away.

"You do not have to worry Nora, you did not untie me, I did It myself, now please move out of my way, I am going to find Liam" said Wura as she walked to Nora and Nora shook her head.

"You know I cannot let you do that my Queen, please I beg you, stay here" said Nora.

"But I cannot stay here!! Staying here is killing me more, I need to know what is going on out there" said Wura as she walked past Nora and Nora knew that she could do nothing to stop Wura, because once she had her mind set to something, nothing or no one could change her mind.

Wura walked to the entrance of the tent as before she could step out she was forced to take a step back when someone walked in.

"Mero??!" called Nora in a mix of surprise and relief when she saw Mero.

"Mero are you alright?" asked Nora as she walked to Mero and he nodded as Wura snapped out of her surprise.

"Mero what are you doing here? You should be resting and not moving around" said Wura as Mero looked at her.

"I know, but tell me my Queen, where are you going?" asked Mero as Wura went silent.

"My Queen, you know that you are not allowed to go anywhere, those were Liam's orders" said Mero.

"Mero how do you feel?" asked Wura as she tried to change the subject, her eyes went to Mero's wound that had been bandaged, she felt bad that he was harmed because of her.

"That is not what I asked you my Queen, you are not going anywhere" said Mero.

"Leave me alone Mero! I am going to do what I want to do, and neither of you can stop me, now move out of my way right now!" said Wura as she was sick of this, she took a step forward and Mero did not move at all, he was like a wall blocking her way.

"Mero I do not want to injure you even more, move out of my way" said Wura.

"I cannot do that my Queen, Liam would kill me if after everything something happens to you now, you are not going anywhere" said Mero as Wura grunted in anger.

Wura was contemplating what to do, there was no way that she would stay here, neither Nora or Mero could stop her.

In that same moment a loud sound of an explosion rang and the ground shook as Wura's eyes opened wide and she struggled with Mero to let her go, you did not have to tell her what that explosion was, Wura's heart sunk at just thinking of what could have happened with that sound.

"Mero I am not joking with you, let me go, let me go now!!" said Wura as Mero held her in place as she struggled with him as she kept on struggling regardless and she accidentally hit his chest as that caused him some pain and the ground shook again.

"Mero I beg you, I beg you please let me go, let me go find him, I beg you" said Wura as she looked at Mero with tears welling up and her eyes filled with fear, Mero could see the deep fear in her eyes, and he could not blame her for it.

"I know you are afraid, but everything will be fine my Queen" said Mero.

"You do not know that Mero, do not give me that, out there is dangerous, please let me go, let me go find him, because staying here is killing me, I will die if something happens to him, and I am left in the dark here, please Mero I beg you with all of my being, let me go, whatever happens to me will be my fault solely, please Mero, I am begging you" said Wura as she pleaded with Mero and he sighed, knowing fully well that this was a bad idea.

"Go, but be careful" said Mero as he moved aside, he knew that he could not stop her, and her worry was understandable.

"Thank you Mero, thank you" said Wura as she wasted no time at all and she ran out the tent.

"Do you think letting her go was a good idea?" asked Nora as Mero looked at her and she helped him to sit down.

"She needs to see things for herself, if something does happen to Liam, she will blame us for not letting her be there" said Mero as Nora sighed, she was still worried, but she hoped that everything would be alright.

Wura ran out the tent into the camp as she rushed to the camp's gates that had been burnt down but she stopped right in her tracks when she saw fire everywhere.

The fire was burning everywhere as it released a thick black smoke into the sky as Wura stopped.

She looked ahead, there was no way she could go anywhere, the fire was spreading everywhere and the ground was still shaking, her heart and mind were in a mess, she did not have to imagine what was going on over there, she could hear the faint sounds of men's voices.

The fire seemed to have no end, she was stuck, trapped, waiting here, she could not go forward, she could not go find Liam and it made her feel even more terrible.

Wura just stood there looking at the flames, her heart tightening every single moment, she heard the sounds of horns and that was not a good sign to her. In that moment it was like everything stopped when Wura heard the sound of the loudest explosion that she had ever heard in her life, and with that her heart stopped.

It was like everything stopped, after the sound of the blast, what followed was nothing but absolute silence, everything was still, but in a bad way, the fire was suddenly put out and a thick black smoke was left in its stead.

Wura did not like the sound of the silence… something told her that something was wrong, and her heart started to beat quickly.

"Liam??" called Wura in a whisper as she heard nothing at all, her mind was telling her that beyond the gates in the valley was nothing but a graveyard.

"Liam" called Wura as she knew she would receive no reply, she could not hear anything, the entire valley was still.

"Liam!!" called Wura at the top of her voice as she screamed and tears fell down her face.

"Liam!!!!" called Wura as she stared to cry bitterly as she fell to the ground on her knees, something was telling her that she was not going to get any replies.

"Liam, please I beg you my love, do not tell me that you are gone" said Wura as she cried.

"If you are gone, I cannot take it there is nothing else for me to do, I would rather be gone with you" said Wura as she cried heavily.

"Liam, please… please" said Wura as she cried, her mind was a mess, everything was a mess right now, nothing or no one could describe how bad she felt right now, she felt like she wanted to die, there was no more meaning to anything anymore.

"I had you and then I lost you" said Wura as she cried and she looked up when she heard the sounds of footsteps approaching from the gates as Wura looked up with her teary eyes only to see Liam who was covered with some little blood on his face and hands.

Liam dropped everything in his hands as he rushed to Wura and he hugged her as she cried even more.

"Liam, Liam" cried Wura as she hugged him tightly.

"I am so sorry Wura" said Liam.

"But everything is fine now, everything has ended, everything is done now" said Liam as he coaxed her and she just cried like a baby.

"Never leave me again, never leave me" said Wura as she cried, nothing could express the instant relief she felt once she saw him there.

"I will never I promise you, I have no intention of leaving you ever again" said Liam as he rubbed her back and she just cried as she held him tightly.