Woke me up

Liam opened his eyes as he felt the sharp glare of the sun shining on his face and he groaned lightly wondering who thought it was a good idea to leave the windows open during the summer.

Liam was about to get out of bed when he realized that a certain someone was holding onto him tightly as she slept peacefully.

Liam turned to the right as he looked at Wura's peaceful sleeping face and he smiled, she was sleeping so serenely with her hair scattered all over her face and she was wrapped in between the sheets.

Liam rested back in bed as he turned to face her and he spent some time looking at her wonderfully, peaceful face.

Liam stretched out his hand and removed some strands of curls from her face as he pushed them back and she continued to sleep deeply.

Liam could not help himself his thoughts were all over the place as he looked at her, no words could describe how happy he was to have her here beside him, he was so relieved that they were back together, and he would make sure that nothing or no one would ever try to separate them again.

She was his everything and nothing or no one could compare to her, he just loved her so much, he was ready to do anything for her, she was his entire life, his home, his wife, his family, he could not imagine his life without her.

She completed him and Liam knew that she did, he would never to want to lose her again, never again.

Liam sighed to himself internally, he had to repress all the negative thoughts he was thinking about, because right now, there was no place he would rather be than right here beside her.

Liam smiled as he held her closer to himself carefully, he did not want to wake her up, he knew that she needed the rest, his wife was usually a person who woke up very early, but he wanted to make sure that she was all rested.

Liam closed his eyes and smiled, he had no intention of going anywhere this morning, he would just like to stay in bed right here with her.

Wura yawned as she opened her eyes and her senses were faced with a very familiar scent, a scent that she loved to smell.

Wura realized that she was holding him and she looked up at him and she smiled when she saw his eyes closed, she had thought that he was sleeping so she stretched out her hand to touch his face when his eyes suddenly opened and he looked at her as she was startled.

"I thought you were sleeping Liam, good morning" said Wura as she smiled at him brightly and he smiled at her.

"Good morning my love" replied Liam as he smiled and gave her a quick kiss.

"I woke up a while ago and you were still sleeping" said Liam.

"Aww, but you should have woke me up" said Wura.

"I did not want to disturb you, I wanted you to rest properly, I know you needed to replenish your energy after last night" said Liam with a wink and smile as Wura felt her face heating up and she looked away.

"Please do not say that Liam" said Wura as she turned her head to the side and Liam chuckled at her cute reaction.

"Say what?" asked Liam mischievously as he feigned ignorance.

"Oh you know what Liam" said Wura.

"Care to remind me?" asked Liam as Wura shook her head.

"Stop teasing me Liam, I do not like it…" said Wura as her voice sounded light hearted.

"I know and I will stop" said Liam as he smiled and gave her a kiss on the forehead as she turned to face him and she nestled herself in his arms as there was comfortable silence for a while.

Wura was in her own happy thoughts when she realized that she was not wearing anything under the sheets and neither was Liam, the mere thought made her burn up.

"You don't need to feel embarrassed that we are both bare, we did more than be naked together last night" whispered Liam in her ear as Wura looked at him in shock.

"Liam??!" she cried as she smacked him on the chest, how could he say such a thing?? since when did he start becoming so brazen.

"I am only saying the truth" said Liam as he laughed.

"No you are not, it Is not necessary for you to state it" said Wura as he just laughed and that annoyed her.

"Well I would rather continue reminding you… or did you not enjoy it?" asked Liam as Wura moved away from him and grabbed a pillow and threw it at his face as he caught it and laughed.

"Since when did you become so loud?" asked Wura as she could feel her ears burning, he was asking questions that she did not want to answer, it was improper, she was sure that it was.

"Since when was it an offence to admire my wife's incomparable beauty?" asked Liam as he smiled and moved closer to Wura as she was thinking of what to say.

"You are not admiring me, you are teasing me" she replied.

"They are one in the same, why would I not tease my beautiful wife who has everything about her perfect, everything about you is perfect Wura" said Liam as Wura felt her heart melting as she looked at him.

She could say the same about him, he was just to dangerous to look at right now, the intense look In his eye was too much for her to bear.

"You are perfect" he said as he gave her kisses and she sighed and buried herself in his arms again, she just wanted to be close to him and feel him near her.

"Do you not have important work to do?" asked Wura as she looked at him, it was not like she wanted him to leave but, she was sure he was very busy.

"No I do not, every other thing can wait, I want to spend the rest of the day with my lovely wife" replied Liam as he smiled and that made Wura smile.

"But what if something very important needs your attention?" asked Wura.

"Mero can handle it, my attention is on you and you alone tone" said Liam as he smiled and Wura smiled.

"But what if a problem arises that only you can solve?" asked Wura.

"You sound as if you want me to go away?" asked Liam with a raised eyebrow.

"No of course not Liam, I just do not want to missing important things because of me" said Wura.

"You are more important than anything else Wura, today it is just me and you" said Liam as he smiled and Wura smiled and gave him a kiss, how could she not melt when told her such sweet, meant words?

"I am so hungry" said Wura as she heard her stomach growl and she looked outside the window and gasped when she realized how late it looked outside.

"Liam the sun is already out brightly!" said Wura in shock as she turned to look at him.

"I know" replied Liam nonchalantly.

"We must have missed breakfast already, everyone should be wondering where we are, Nora would be worried about me" said Wura as she was about to get out of bed quickly but Liam stopped her.

"You do not need to worry about anything Wura, I gave stern orders that no one should disturb us at all" replied Liam as Wura looked at him in surprise.

"You did?" asked Wura as Liam nodded.

"I did" he replied.

"When?" she asked.

"Last night" he replied as now it made sense to Wura, no wonder Nora did not come to wake her up, Liam had planned this since last night.

"What is the matter?" asked Liam as he noticed that Wura looked a bit embarrassed.

"So everyone knows that we are in here… alone?" asked Wura.

"Yes" replied Liam as he saw no problem at all and Wura groaned.

"What is it?" asked Liam.

"Liam everyone knows that we are in here, and they probably know what happened" said Wura in embarrassment.

"And so what? It is only natural for a man and his wife to be alone in bed together" said Liam as Wura looked at him and she saw the teasing look on his face that annoyed her.

"I hate you" she said in a playful spite.

"Oh you better not hate me darling you have no choice than to love me" he said with a wink as Wura laughed and shook his head, Liam was just too much this morning, she did not know if she could handle this new side of him, she hoped he would return back to being the sweet not teasing Liam very soon.