Let me finish

"So what was your favourite part about us going out today?" asked Liam with a smile as they were on their way back to the Castle riding on Nolan.

"Hmm that is a very hard question my love" said Wura as she laughed.

"I am sure that you will be able to narrow it down" said Liam as he laughed.

"Hmm well it would have to be the food, the very delicious food" said Wura as she laughed and looked back to see Liam's somewhat annoyed expression.

"What?" asked Wura as she laughed.

"That is not fair Wura, I thought that you would have said spending time with your very, lovely, wonderful loving husband" said Liam as Wura laughed.

"You might as well add proud to that long list of yours" said Wura as she laughed.

"Well I might, but it is the truth after all, so above everything you enjoyed the food more than your own husband?" asked Liam as Wura tapped his cheeks.

"You are so cute when you are jealous" replied Wura.

"But of course I enjoyed my handsome, loving, ravishing husband who causes my heart to skip a beat every single time he looks at me with those enchanting eyes of his" said Wura as her words brought a huge smile to Liam's face as he basked in her praises that made his heart swell.

"And of course he has his flaws for one, when he gets irritably upset he can take out his anger on anyone who dares annoys him at that time, he also snores rather loudly, which is something I never really noticed until now when I wake up beside you a midnight to the sound of heavy breathing" said Wura as she laughed.

"I thought you were supposed to be praising me, not condemning me" said Liam as he shook his head with a smile.

"Wait, you did not let me finish" replied Wura as she laughed.

"Alright, go ahead and finish then" said Liam.

"But all in all, I still love him despite his very, very blatant flaws, and I accept him for who he truly is, because I love him so much, and I would take living with your snoring any day rather than not having you beside me" said Wura as she smiled and Liam held her tighter.

"Just to point out that I do not usually snore, it must be the stress" said Liam as Wura laughed.

"That is like saying you are not a thief because you only steal minimal amounts" replied Wura with a laugh.

"But in this case it is true, I do not snore, I never knew that I did" said Liam.

"Well you did, luckily it was not too loud for the past nights but I am counting on the loudness to return soon" said Wura.

"Why are you even awake at midnight in the first place?" asked Liam as he laughed.

"Well you try sleeping when it sounds like a cow is grunting right next to you" said Wura.

"Oh so you are not comparing your husband to a cow?" asked Liam as he could not believe this.

"A grunting cow, and only when he is deeply asleep" replied Wura.

"But you married this cow" stated Liam proudly.

"Of course I did, I am not one to back down, besides you did not tell me that you snored, I should have asked that before I agreed to marry you" said Wura in a clearly joking tone that made Liam laugh.

"Well you are free to say what you want, but since we are in the mood of complaints, I too have a few of them" said Liam as Wura turned around and narrowed her eyes at him.

"Firstly, I cannot remember the last time that I have not seen strands of hair in my bed" said Liam.

"You like hugging the sheets all to yourself, and you often roll over to my side of the bed constantly" said Liam as Wura looked at him with her mouth open wide.

"Oh I did not know that you too have been harbouring angry thoughts" said Wura.

"Well it is only fair, you have things that you do not like about me, and I have things that I do not like about you, it is balanced" said Liam.

"Alright then, how about I create unbalance by moving back to my room, after all, no one chased me away from there" said Wura.

"You know that even if you move out you will definitely miss my presence, and my warm embrace, and the kisses I give you delicately on your entire figure" said Liam as he whispered in her ear and hugged her tighter as Wura felt her breath hitch and she suddenly felt hot.

"Tell me that you will not miss me" added Liam with a knowing smile on his face.

"You know the answer to that" replied Wura.

"I would prefer if you tell me the answer, just so I am sure" said Liam as he smiled loving her being shy.

Wura looked around, trying to avoid him right now, she could see that they had already reached the stable gates which made her feel relieved, Liam was way too energetic today.

"Well I am not going to say anything, you know the answer" said Wura as Nolan slowed down and Wura took the opportunity to swiftly get off Nolan when Liam released his hold on her and he shook his head and laughed.

"Then I guess we are staying together then" replied Liam with a happy smile and Wura scoffed as she walked and Liam dismounted from Nolan when he saw a certain carriage that had not been here before they had left, it could only belong to one person.

"Uncle Nigel!" called Liam in happiness as the carriage moved to reveal Nigel who was standing behind it.

"Liam my boy!!" said Nigel in the same surprise and relief as Liam ran to him and hugged him.

"Oh my boy, thank the Lord that you are alright" said Nigel in relief, of course Liam had sent him a letter as once as he had arrived, but it was something else entirely for him to finally see him face to face after such a long time, it made relief wash over him like a breath of fresh air.

"I missed you so much, you do not know how much I worried about you" said Nigel with a sigh, how could he not feel worried when his only nephew had been nowhere to be found for months?? Forget the Kingdom, he himself did not think that he would be able to bear it if Liam never returned.

"I missed you too Uncle, I am so glad that you are here" replied Liam as he smiled and broke their hug as Nigel smiled and his eyes landed on Wura and he smiled and Wura smiled.

"Welcome back Uncle Nigel I missed you dearly" said Wura with a smile as Nigel spread out his arms for a hug and Wura walked to him and gave him a tight hug.

"I missed you too dear, how are you?" asked Nigel with a smile.

"I am very good Uncle and how are you?" asked Wura as she smiled and broke their hug.

"Oh I can see that my dear, you are shinning much more better than when I left you, my nephew must be really taking care of you" said Nigel as he laughed and Wura laughed as she nodded, she did agree with him Liam was taking care of her very well, and she was happier with him here than ever.

"Of course I will take care of my wife uncle" said Liam as he smiled and puled Wura closer to him which made Nigel laugh.

"Of course you are, well I on the other hand am doing very, especially now that I have seen you two very happy" said Nigel with a smile as both Liam and Wura smiled.

"I am happy that you are happy uncle, and thank you for everything" said Wura as she smiled happily.

"You do not have to thank me my dear, we are family after all" said Nigel with a smile.

"Uncle what is your carriage doing here? Did you not pass through the Castle's front gate?" asked Liam in curiosity.

"Ahh well no, I did not want to draw attention to myself, I am rather tired" replied Nigel.

"I can only imagine uncle, the journey must have been very stressful, I am sure that your room has already been prepared let me escort you there" said Wura with a smile as she left Liam and hooked her arm with Nigel's as he smiled.

"You are leaving me so soon?" asked Liam with a smile as Wura looked at him.

"Of course I am, uncle Nigel needs to rest now, I will see you at dinner after I change out of this muddy dress" said Wura as she smiled and gave Liam a quick kiss as she and Nigel left.

Liam shook his head as he smiled, he knew he should go looking for Mero before it was time for dinner.