Night stalker

"My Queen it is getting late now, and you need to rest, it has been a long day" said Nora with a smile as she and Wura had still been talking almost all night long, she would not even have noticed that it was almost midnight if Wura's room had not gotten so dark to the extent that she had to stand up to light candles.

"Oh my, that is true, I did not even notice how late it is" replied Wura as she laughed, the time just went by so quickly while she was enjoying spending time with Nora, she could not remember the last time the both of them had just sat down and discussed and just talked for a long while without any interruptions.

"Neither did I my Queen" replied Nora with a smile.

"Why would you not when we were talking about your potential man Mero?" asked Wura in a teasing manner as she winked and Nora felt nothing but pure embarrassment as she hid her face in her hands and shook her head.

"Please stop my Queen, I think I am going to turn red from your teasing" replied Nora shyly as Wura laughed.

"Oh but with your reaction it is clear to see that you have some sort of liking for him" replied Wura with another teasing wink as Nora shook her head violently which caused Wura to laugh even more.

"My Queen, I am serious, it is late, and I know that you have many meetings tomorrow, so please go to sleep now" said Nora as she calmed herself down and stopped feeling embarrassed.

"Oh you sound like my mother" said Wura as she laughed.

"When I was a child, I used to make a lot of noise, and I was a light sleeper, which would often tire her, so she always used to tell me to go to sleep" said Wura as she smiled.

"Well of course I did not want to disobey my mother, even though I spent countless hours rolling on my bed, not being able to sleep, so I would obey her and give her some rest" said Wura.

"Whenever she came to check on me, I would pretend as if I had fallen sound asleep, and I had her fooled, but my Father on the other hand could tell on first glance that I was only pretending" said Wura as she smiled.

"So one day, he got me a present, it was a painting box, filled with different colours and types of paint, and paint brushes and he bought me some little canvases to practice on" said Wura.

"I cherished all those paints and the paint brushes, it gave me something to do" said Wura.

"I would paint in the night by candlelight, and then I would fall asleep doing so" said Wura as she laughed and Nora smiled.

"I just love remembering memories like that, it makes me less sad" said Wura as she smiled.

"I can imagine my Queen, but you still need to go to bed now" said Nora as she stood up and Wura sighed and frowned softly.

"Alright fine Nora, fine, Goodnight" said Wura.

"Goodnight my Queen, may you have a peaceful rest and sweet dreams" said Nora with a smile.

"Thank you Nora, I wish the same for you" replied Wura as she smiled, well at least she tried to make Nora forget that she was about to leave her.

"Thank you my Queen, and how about you paint tomorrow, that could be something nice to do for a change" said Nora as she smiled.

"Oh I wish that I could Nora, but I just do not have the time, every day I am just so busy, and I do not even know what exactly takes me time away" said Wura with a sigh.

"I am sure that you can find time my Queen, but for now Goodnight" said Nora as she smiled and gave a quick bow before leaving the room.

And now Wura was back all alone in silence, which was something she hated.

Wura sighed as she sat in bed alone, no one beside her, in an big empty room.

She just felt so lonely, she had no one to talk to, she felt like a part of her heart was far away which it was, and worst of all, she had tried to sleep, but sleep was just not coming to her.

Wura tossed and turned in bed, she tried forcefully shutting her eyes in order to go to sleep, but all to no avail.

Until finally she had had enough of being in bed unable to sleep, overcrowded by many thoughts which were mostly negative, so she decided that she was not going to be stuck in this room all night.

Wura got out of bed and grabbed a candlestick and walked out of Liam's room. 

She would be going for a night walk around the Castle, maybe that would make her tired so she could finally fall asleep and forget some of her problems temporarily.

Wura walked steadily through the many halls of the Castle, she walked up and down, round and round, just to make sure that she would be very tired, she walked to the library and back, until she finally stopped in front of the training grounds.

Wura was about to turn around and go back to her room when she suddenly heard faint noises coming from inside the training grounds and that piqued her interest.

It was odd, it was the middle of the night, no one was supposed to be up at this ungodly hour of the night, and that of course included her.

She was just curious, she wondered if it was one of the guards training there, or maybe someone else, but regardless, she just wanted to know, after she had found out, she would go straight back to her room and force herself to sleep.

Wura proceeded to walk into the training grounds that were very dark, she was very grateful that she had decided to go on her late night Castle walk with a candle, otherwise, she would have been as blind as a bat.

Wura continued walking as the faint sounds became louder as she got closer and closer until finally she reached the source of all the strange sounds she had been hearing.

Wura reached a corner as she peeked over and she could see a single torch hanging on the wall and the faint silhouette of a man as he moved around violently in the dark night sky.

Wura squinted her eyes as she could barely make out the figure of the strange man, in a bid to satisfy her curiosity she took took two steps forward to get a closer look and she was shocked when the man suddenly turned to the right and she saw that it was none other than Mero.

Wura gasped silently out of surprise as she retreated back to the corner as Mero did not seem to notice her, he just kept on doing what he was doing, which seemed to be sparring and practicing sword fighting by himself.

Wura scolded herself internally for being so surprised, why was she surprised? Mero was a knight, and among one of the best, and she was in the training grounds, it made sense that he would be here training.

Wura decided that she had had enough exploring for the night so she was about to return on her way when Mero suddenly stopped sparring and he turned around took the torch off the wall and lit another, thereby illuminating the area of the training grounds that he was in.

The sudden change of light caused Wura to turn around as she looked in that direction and she gasped with the sight she was faced with.

Mero was shirtless, and with the newly added illumination she could see his bare back as he continued training.

Wura quickly covered her eyes and hid back in the corner, just what was wrong with her?? She had now turned into a night stalker, she had better go to her room already before she caused more problems for herself.

Wura was about to silently leave the way she came when she accidentally tripped over a smooth pebble in her way, causing her to fall down and yelp in surprise and her candlestick fell down as well creating a loud thudding sound that resounded in the empty training grounds.

"Who is there!" came Mero's loud voice as he looked very serious and alert, the noise had startled him and no one was supposed to be here at this time, which meant that it was either an animal or an intruder, either way, he would find out.

Wura on the other hand cursed internally, so much for a smooth escape and not being caught.

Wura tried to quickly stand up but she had twisted her ankle which hurt her when she moved and she cried out in pain.

"*Ouch*" she said in pain as Mero who was silently and stealthily making his way to the origin of the strange noise suddenly stopped in confusion.

"My Queen??" asked Mero in nothing but utter confusion as he walked closer to her and Wura looked up and smiled sheepishly at him.

"Good evening Mero, what a nice cool weather we are having this fine evening" said Wura with an embarrassed smile plastered on her face.