Never lie

Mero wanted to say that she had to rest at least till the sun went down completely in the evening, but by now he knew Wura's character enough by now to be sure that saying such a thing would only make her upset and angry at him.

After all, in her eyes she was not here to rest, she was here to work and offer her help, Wura would never let herself rest, he knew that well about her, she would see it as selfishness for her to enjoy herself and be comfortable while other people were suffering around them.

That was one of the things he admired about her, the way she cared for other people almost more than she cared for herself.

Mero quickly controlled his drifting thoughts as he could see Wura looking at him weirdly from the fact that he had been quiet for a long time now, which was unusual.

"You do not have to rest for long..." he said as he finally replied and he could see the look of relief in Wura's eyes as she was just about to ask him if he was alright, he had been too silent for too long, she wondered what he was thinking about so deeply that made him go that silent.

"That is good" said Wura as she could not help but feel that he was going to insist that she rest for an unbelievable prolonged time she would argue with him instantly.

There was no need for her to rest for a long time, there was nothing very special about resting, actually, she was resting right now already.

"Yes... but you still have to rest regardless, and you will have to sit down and eat what Nora prepared for you, and while you rest, that will allow the guards following behind us to arrive with the additional aid" said Mero as Wura looked at him and nodded, she was a reasonable person, you just needed to explain things to her and not be unfair.

"Alright. I hear you, and then we will meet the people in the camp?" asked Wura as Mero nodded.

"Then we will go meet the people in the camp" he replied.

"Alright I agree with that, so how long do you think we will have to wait for the additional aid to arrive?" asked Wura as Mero looked around the quiet atmosphere.

"Not too long, they should be here before the next hour" replied Mero as Wura nodded.

"Alright" she said as she would only wait until the additional aid arrived, once it did, there would be no more rest for her, she did not need it.

"Yes, but for now, rest, eat and when they arrive I will inform you" said Mero as he turned back to look at Wura.

"Do you promise you will? Because I am not sure you will, you tend to put your wish for me to rest above most things..." said Wura as she looked at Mero.

"Are you saying that I will lie and deceive you?" asked Mero as he raised an eyebrow, he did not like how she sounded with her accusation of his integrity.

"In normal circumstances you would never lie or deceive anyone... but you did hear me say that when you wish for me to take things easy you tend to keep things that I ask for away from me" said Wura as she did not know if she was seeing things or if Mero looked like he was a bit offended.

"Well rest assured that I would never lie to you Wura... or deceive you, I give you my word, as soon as they arrive, I will inform you" said Mero as the sincerity in his tone could not be missed as that made Wura feel bad that she accused him of being a liar.

"I know that Mero... and I trust you..." replied Wura.

"You say that but you really do not show it when you speak sometimes..." said Mero as Wura wanted to apologize, he sounded hurt, she did not mean for her words to cause him to feel like this.

"Mero I..." she said as she was cut off by Mero's voice.

"You need to rest and I need to speak to the guards that arrived before us, so please enjoy your rest and I will come and call you in a while" said Mero as he removed the sack attached to Nolan's saddle and he handed it to Wura, he turned around and held the reins of both horses as they followed behind him and he led them away.

Wura looked at the retreating figure of Mero as she felt bad, it was clear he was hurt and it was her fault... she had to apologize to him, but he did not want her to say anything to him, maybe she would try to apologize to him later.

Wura sighed as she shook her head and turned around she was now facing her tent, she did not give it another thought as she walked into the tent and she could not say that she was not surprised.

She was very surprised, she did not expect the inside of the tent to look like this, on the outside it looked moderate, but whoever was put in charge of arranging the inside really did do a good job.

There was a nice neat huge bed in the corner of the tent, along with a desk and a little sitting area, and a little closet. This was certainly too much to be in a tent in Wura's opinion.

But she did not have a say in any of this, Mero is the one that assured that her tent was ready before they arrived here.

Wura was still thinking when she felt her hunger returning to her, which reminded her that she was truly hungry, so she wasted no time, she sat down on the couch that surprisingly fit in the tent.

Wura sighed as she was eating the light meal that Nora packed for her, she was starting to feel a bit lonely.

The silence was killing she was feeling lonely, being all alone in this huge nice tent, she had no one to talk to, she was tired, she hated being alone, she hated eating alone even worse.

Now that they had finally arrived and she was forced to relax, Wura was starting to think that it was not such a bad idea for Nora to have come along with them.

At least then she would have someone to talk to, but now she was all alone, and she was already starting to miss Nora, she could not remember the last time that she had gone on any journey and Nora was not with her.

Nora was always with her, they were exceptionally close, and she started to feel bad for not allowing Nora to come along with them.

Wura sighed, she felt as if she had been making the wrong decisions for a long while now, it was clear that making decisions when she was not in a stable frame of mind would come back to hit her in the face.

See this was why she liked to keep herself busy, she kept herself busy so she would not feel lonely, so she would not feel this empty void that she felt inside.

That was why she was so eager to start helping others and making sure that people felt heard and mourned with, she preferred doing that than being stuck with her own sad thoughts and feelings.

Loneliness was at least bearable, but now, Mero was also a bit upset with her, and it did not make her feel well one bit.

Usually she was the one to always be upset with Mero, but now it was different, she had said something that she not have, and that offended Mero, and he rarely got upset with her, but he seemed to cold and detached more than usual with her after what she said.

She did not mean for things to end up like that, all she wanted to do was apologize, but she really hoped that he would give her a chance to apologize.

Wura continued to dwell in her thoughts for a long while until she heard her name being called by Mero who was outside her tent.

"My Queen may I come in?" asked Mero as his voice snapped Wura out of her thoughts and she was so happy to hear his voice that she answered immediately.

"Yes Mero, you can" she said as she stood up and Mero walked into her tent.

"I am here to inform you that the additional aid and the guards have arrived, so you can go to the camp now" said Mero as he went straight to the point, it was clear that was the only thing he came here to tell her.

"Oh... I see..." said Wura as she felt sad, with the way he was relating with her it was clear that he was still upset from what she said.

"So we can go now?" asked Wura as Mero nodded.

"Yes" he replied.

"Alright, we should go then..." she said.

"After you..." said Mero as he gestured with his hand that she go first as she nodded and walked ahead and he followed after her.