What about...

Wura just stood there unmoving, feeling bad that because of her, Mero was avoiding his feelings.

She felt so selfish right now, meanwhile, she was sure that Mero felt the same as she did... confused, scared, in disbelief.

And instead of her to be understanding instead of accusing, she shunned him off, and she lied to him. She forced him to comply with what she wanted, while he had every right to want his own things.

She was being so selfish, she thought of how she would feel if she were the one in Mero's place. Obviously, she would want answers, not just answers, but honest answers, and yet she could not give that simple request to him.

She was such a horrible person, above all, Mero was a very dear friend, and she never wanted anything to ruin the nice relationship that they had.

Wura sucked in a deep breath as she exhaled and found some inner strength that she would need seriously.

"Mero...wake up please." she called as Mero remained unmoving, his eyes closed.

Wura sighed as she walked closer to him and bent down beside him.

"Mero, please wake up, we need to talk... I am sorry for ignoring your wishes, I am sorry for lying." she said as Mero felt his heart quicken by her close proximity to him.

"The truth is that yes... yes I have feelings for you, you did not force me to say something untrue, what I said was true." she said.

"So please, agree with me, and let us put an end to this once and for all, I beg you." she said as Mero slowly opened his eyes as Wura's eyes met his and they stared at each other in silence.

Mero cleared his throat, breaking whatever daze they had both been in as he sat upright and Wura sat down on the couch across him.

"You are right... we should talk about this." he said as Wura nodded, he could see that she was much more calmer now than she was before.

"I have answered all your questions, I think that it is only fair you answer mine as well." said Mero as Wura nodded, it was truly only fair.

"When did you start to develop feelings for me?" asked Mero as Wura took a deep breath and looked at him, she had to be honest.

"A few months ago." she replied with a sigh as Mero nodded.

"Alright... and do you... do you feel strongly about me?" asked Mero as Wura held her breath.

Seriously Mero was asking very serious questions, and she did not know if she was ready to answer them.

"I do not know Mero, seriously, I do not know..." she replied helplessly, she was overwrought, she was unsure of what to say, she was unsure of what to do to make this strange feeling of pain go away.

"Are you sure?" asked Mero, he did not want to push her, and he also knew that whatever it was that she felt for him could not compare to what she felt for Liam.

"Yes Mero...look... as you said, the kiss was the worst mistake I made... because after that I started to develop feelings for you... I felt strange seeing you and honestly, I do not know when exactly these feelings developed." said Wura as she sighed.

"I never wanted things to end like this, I did not want our good relationship to be ruined." she said.

"Our relationship will never be ruined, I assure you." he said as he smiled and Wura faked a smile, she highly doubted that.

"So what do we do now? We both have feelings for each other, and it is just... so... overwhelming." said Wura as she let out an exasperated sigh.

"I unfortunately do not have an answer for that..." replied Mero.

"But we cannot keep things like this. Something like this will ruin us both, I admire you... but that is all." Wura said.

"I am afraid to say that I... I more than admire you... I more than like you I think that I lo— " said Mero as Wura instantly cut him off.

"Do not... I repeat, please do not say that Mero, slow down I...I... just please no." she said as she stood up and moved away from him as he nodded.

"Alright, please calm down, I did not mean to startle you." said Mero as Wura sighed.

"Mero, I am sure that I do not have to explain to you why this can never work." said Wura.

"For your sake and mine, I am a married woman." said Wura as she raised her hand to show her rings. She had never for once taken them off.

"I am married to the King, I am his wife, and Liam is your friend, your very close friend." she said as Mero nodded.

"I know that, and I feel terrible that things ended up like this..." said Mero his tone despondent.

He never chose to fall like this for Wura, he never wanted to develop feelings for his king and friend's wife, and yet he did not know when it had happened, he seriously felt some very strong emotions for her.

"Yes, I feel terrible as well, no matter what we feel, nothing can happen, absolutely nothing." she said, it sounded more like she was reassuring herself more than anymore.

She hated how saw Mero looked, but it was better that she made things clear now so there were no misunderstandings later.

"Liam... I love Liam, he is my husband, the only one for me, it does not matter whatever I feel for you, we can never be together." said Wura harshly as Mero nodded.

"I understand." said Mero as his eyes looked pained.

"I love Liam, not you." said Wura.

"I understand Wura, and I do not blame you, I respect your decision, I only want you to know that I cannot hide what I feel for you, no matter how hard I try." said Mero as Wura looked stressed.

"How can you say that Mero? How can you?" asked Wura.

"What about... what about Nora? You are in a relationship with Nora." said Wura.

"How do you think she will feel about this, how can you do this to her? I understand that you did not intend for things to happen this way, but think of Nora." said Wura.

"I have thought of her, and it hurts me a lot that I hurt her in this way." said Mero.

"But what I feel for you, I have never felt for anyone else, only you, I am telling you that I love you." said Mero.

"I know that it sounds insane and too quick, but I do love you... I have had several months to know you, to know your personality, the things you like, the things you dislike, and I hate to admit it but... I have fallen deeply in love with you." Mero declared as Wura's eyes widened, hearing what she never wanted to hear in the first place.

"And Nora?" she asked.

"I like her, but not the way I love you, and I know that I cannot continue to hurt her like this when my heart loves someone else." said Mero as Wura's breath hitched hearing his words.

"And that is why I decided that as soon as we return to the camp, I will end things with her." said Mero seriously as Wura's eyes widened.

"No, no you cannot do that to her Mero, she likes you, more than you know, I see it in her eyes, if you break her heart, she will be miserable." said Wura, she loved Nora like her own sister, she would never want her sister to be hurt, especially not by her.

"Better that I do that than continue lying to her when I do not love her." Mero said.

"How can I be with her when my heart is with another." said Mero as he looked at her and she looked away.

"I have already made up my mind, it is unfair to both her and you that I continue as if everything is alright when it is not." he said.

"I have no other choice than to end things with her, I hope she will understand and I know that she will." said Mero.

"If I cannot be with you... there is no point being with someone else, I know it sounds crazy, but I would rather be alone than to be with someone else." he said strongly as Wura felt like her entire world was crashing down.

She knew that Nora would be very distraught if Mero ended things with her, and it made her feel even worse that she was the cause of her unhappiness.

"Mero, please, please stop telling me all these things, I beg you." she said, pleading with him, she could not bear to continue hearing just how strongly he felt for her, and yet she did not feel the same, she was too cowardly to admit that what she felt for him was indeed strong, but she would rather avoid it than accept it.