Difficult to resist

Wura did not need to look at Mero to know that he was smiling at the moment. And she feared greatly to raise her head and look at him because she was sure that she would be unable to resist not show a change in heart.

She was trying so hard to make her heart stone cold, she was trying so hard to be indifferent and yet, she was unable to do so whenever it came to Mero. He always seemed to be able to look right through her.

She hated that he knew her so well and yet she could not say confidently that she knew him equally the same.

"Thank you for being honest with me." Mero said as he smiled.

"I did not say that because I want to make you feel worse, but I do not want to make you feel better as well." she said.

"I just want you to know that I am sorry for playing with your emotions." she said.

"I knew very well that you would not resist me. Even though I hate to admit it, it was at the back of my mind that you would not push me away, and I guess that thought made me have more confidence to kiss you again." she explained.

"I do not mind at all Wura... you already know how I feel for you, and I am ready to take anything that you give me." he said sincerely as Wura looked at him, her eyes wide in shock.

"I know that I sound brazen right now, but I am just telling you the truth, what I feel for you is beyond words." he said, resisting the urge to move closer to her and tuck a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Oh Mero, please do not say such things to me, you are making it so difficult." Wura groaned.

"Difficult to do what?" he asked already knowing the answer.

"Difficult to resist." Wura said as she threw her head back, her curls bouncing with the motion.

"Mero, I cannot deny that I feel a great attraction to you, but... *sigh*" Wura said as she sighed and groaned, she was in such a horrible dilemma right now.

She did not even know if her heart was talking or her head was, it was just too much for her to bear.

"But...but things cannot be like this... it is wrong I...I..." Wura said suddenly unable to voice out her thoughts clearly. She felt severely stressed.

"Why can you not give yourself a chance?" Mero asked suddenly causing Wura to look at him confused.

"What chance?" she asked, afraid to ask for she knew what he was talking about.

"A chance to be happy for once, even if it is just for a little while." Mero said, his words causing Wura to look at him as if he had uttered the unthinkable.

"I am not saying that you should forget Liam... far from it, I know why you are hesitant, you are after all his wife, and my greatest regret in life will always be that I fell madly for a woman that I should never have." Mero said, his tone solemn.

"But I also cannot deny how strongly I feel for you, and not being able to show you the depth of my affection is nothing but pure torture." he said.

"I do not know why I am telling you this, I do not want to have to make your decision and stance any harder." he said.

"I just want you to know that all I want is nothing but your happiness, and I want you to keep that in mind no matter what decision you take." Mero said as he smiled.

"I think that I should go now, see you in the morning Wura." he said as he smiled and turned around and as soon as he was about to leave, he suddenly found himself embraced from behind as he stood still.

Wura held onto him tightly as she exhaled and closed her eyes, facing a strong inner turmoil between what she knew was right and what she felt was right in the moment.

She did not know when she had moved to hug Mero to stop him from moving, but she had.

"Mero... I want to be happy too, and I want you to be happy as well." said Wura as she held onto him.

"I wish that I could treat you the way that you deserve, but I just cannot, it is too hard for me to make a choice because I know that it is wrong for me to feel this way and yet I still do." she said, the strain evident in her tone.

"But I do not want you to leave... I do not want you to leave my life, you are such a great, understanding, caring man, and I feel terrible that I cannot reciprocate the great kindness and understanding that you have shown me." she said.

"And I want to...I want to..." she said as Mero suddenly turned around and embraced her.

"You do not have to say anything that you feel uncomfortable with." he said as he hugged her and she sighed.

"I understand what you mean, and like I said before, I will take anything that you offer me no questions asked." he said with a smile as Wura held on tighter to him.

"Thank you Mero...and goodnight." she said as she broke their hug.

"Goodnight Wura." Mero replied with a soft smile before turning around and leaving her tent.

Wura instantly groaned as she rushed to her bed and fell on it covering her eyes with her hands.

"What are you doing Wura? What are you doing?" she asked herself and shook her head. 

What did she just say? Or rather what did she not say? How could she give Mero hope when she felt so deeply that she was wrong, so very wrong, and yet her heart was beating so strongly.

Her heart was beating rather quickly, she was unsure if it was because she felt bad, if it was because of the thrill of the situation, or if she was just being stupid, she was unsure of anything at this point.

"Am I alright?" she asked herself.

"Why would I encourage Mero and give him false hope?" she asked.

"Why am I playing with him, why am I playing with his feelings and emotions? Or am I playing with myself?" she asked as she groaned and tossed to and fro on her bed.

"But I... I like him..." said Wura to herself as she took a deep sigh and uncovered her eyes. 

"And I love Liam, this is just too much for me, why am I being like this?" she cried as she huffed and closed her eyes, forcing herself to sleep, there was no way that she would continue to allow herself be tormented like this.

She concluded that whatever was to happen in the future would happen, she would not try to stop it, neither would she try to avoid it, she would just allow what was going to happen to happen.

The next morning.

Wura woke up feeling surprisingly calm considering what happened last night.

She walked out of her tent and she saw Mero standing afar off as she saw him speaking to one of the guards.

She walked towards him as the guard took his leave but not before bowing to her. Mero noticed the guard's gesture and turned around to see Wura approaching him.

"Good morning Wura." Mero said as he smiled at her, he could see that she looked relaxed and more calm than she was last night. That made him very relieved.

"Good morning Mero." she replied as she smiled and did something that he had not expected.

She hugged him in broad daylight as Mero froze, he was not expecting this at all. He did not move, he only stood still, he did not know what to feel at the moment. He felt happy and yet confused at the same time.

"How are you?" she asked, casually breaking the hug as if she had not done anything out of the ordinary.

"I...I am well, and how are you?" asked Mero as he snapped out of his frozen state, confused and yet unable to hide the fact that her warm greeting pleased him.

"I am good Mero, I am glad that you are well." she said as she smiled and Mero nodded noticing that her eyes were brighter and she seemed more peaceful. It made him wonder what happened last night after he had left, she seemed very different.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" he asked resisting the urge to touch her.

"No, not at all, would you like to join me for breakfast?" she asked as yet again Mero was surprised.

"I would love to Wura." he replied smiling.

"Great, thank you." she said as she smiled.