Please believe me

The next morning.

Wura sighed as she had just finished brushing her hair. She wished that she could have at least gotten a good rest, but that was far from true, she had to say that last night was the worst night she had in a long time.

She could not just shake off the feeling of worthlessness and being a traitor. She felt like the worst betrayer in the world.

Wura stood up as she walked out her tent. Nora had just left to get her breakfast and she did not want Nora to stress herself unnecessarily, so she would just go get her breakfast herself and eat it in her office.

"My Queen, good morning." called Zuph as Wura turned to look at him.

"Good morning Zuph." she said as she smiled at him.

"It feels so nice to have you back my Queen, you were missed greatly." he said with a smile.

"And I missed everyone a lot as well, it feels good to be back, how are you?" asked Wura as she smiled.

"I am doing well my Queen and how are you?" he asked.

"I have had better days, but still this day is good." she replied as she smiled.

"My Queen, good morning, welcome back, I would have come to see you yesterday but Nora said that you were resting." said Luc as he walked towards Wura and Zuph.

"Good morning Luc, it is good to see you, yes I was very tired yesterday but I am ready to get back to work." said Wura with a smile.

"I am glad to hear that my Queen, we sure did miss you here." said Luc as he smiled.

"Thank you Luc, where is Zechariah and where is Elihu?" she asked, she had not seen them yet.

"Oh well Zechariah is busy with Mero at the moment and Elihu is ri—" said Luc as he was rudely cut off by Elihu.

"I am right here and I can speak for myself." Elihu proudly replied as he walked towards them causing Zechariah to scoff.

"I was just answering her Majesty's question as she was enquiring of your whereabouts." said Zechariah.

"Well there is no need to speak for a man when he is right here." Elihu replied.

"Well I did not know that you were here already." replied Zechariah.

"That is because you are partially blind." said Elihu as it seemed that he had just woken up this morning with a mission to be unnecessarily rude.

"I do not know whether to scold you or commend you Elihu, I can see that you are still very much your ill-tongued self." said Wura as she shook her head.

"Good morning my Queen." Elihu said, composing himself as he turned to her and smiled, he did not want Wura to be upset with him on the first day of her return.

"I do not really think that the morning is good for you Elihu, you seem more terribly mannered than usual. Zechariah was just answering my question, there was no need to speak to him so harshly." said Wura as she shook her head.

"Forgive him my Queen, he went to sleep in a bad mood last night and I am afraid that he carried that mood over into this new day." said Zuph as looked at Elihu and shook his head.

"Well what caused you to be in a bad mood? Do not tell me that you are being accused by another woman of being the father of her unborn child?" asked Wura with a raised eyebrow.

"No, no, no, of course not my Queen, never again, I have left that life, I have not been with a woman in the longest time." said Elihu instantly and vehemently.

"Really now?" asked Wura as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Yes my Queen, I promise you, I would never go back to being a womanizer, never, not after what happened the last time." said Elihu.

"Are you sure Elihu? Because I simply do not believe you, especially not after how I had to save you the last time. I am telling you Elihu, if you get yourself involved in something you cannot handle, I will not save you again." said Wura strongly.

"Please believe me my Queen. I would never go back to my past mistakes, I know better now, and I am very grateful to you for what you did for me the last time, please believe that I would never do anything to let you down and neither to fail myself." said Elihu sincerely while Luc and Zuph were surprised beyond imagination.

They never knew that Elihu could be so humble and sound so sincere. This was definitely not the same Elihu that they knew.

"Alright then... I believe you, so why are you in a bad mood?" asked Wura as she was not just going to believe him so easily.

"I... I was reminded of some unfavourable memories yesterday evening." said Elihu sincerely.

"Which were?" asked Wura.

"I would rather not say my Queen, but you can be assured that I am telling you the truth, you can even ask Zuph and Luc, they know why." said Elihu as he turned to Zuph and Luc.

Meanwhile Zuph and Luc never imagined that Elihu could be so respectful to anyone, much more less their Queen.

"Is what he is saying true?" asked Wura as she turned to look at them and they both just nodded.

"Alright then, I believe you Elihu." said Wura.

"Thank you my Queen." said Elihu in relief, he was not stupid enough to anger someone who helped him so much.

"No need to thank me, just find better ways to deal with your problems other than insulting the people who care about you the most." she said with a shake of her head, yes she knew that life was sometimes hard, she was very well aware of that fact.

But digressing your bad feelings and moods on others just because you were going through something difficult was just immature.

"Yes my Queen, I understand what you are saying." said Elihu as he nodded and sighed.

"Alright then good, I have to go now, I will see you all later." said Wura as she smiled.

"See you later my Queen." said Luc and Zuph as they smiled and Wura walked away.

"I never thought that you would be so respectful to anyone." said Luc in surprise.

"Oh just shut up." said Elihu as he looked at him and scoffed and walked away.

"Now that is the Elihu that I know." said Zuph as he laughed and Luc shook his head.

"That man is really hard to understand sometimes." said Luc as he laughed.

"I agree." said Zuph as he laughed.


"My Queen, what are you doing here? I thought that you would wait for me in your tent." said Nora as she saw Wura walking towards her.

"Well I did not think that you had to stress yourself coming all the way back there, I decided to just eat in my office, we can go there together if you want." said Wura as she smiled.

"Oh alright then my Queen." said Nora as she smiled.

"Would you like to join me?" asked Wura as she smiled.

"No my Queen, sorry, I already ate earlier." said Nora as she smiled.

"Oh I see, it is alright, shall we go?" asked Wura as she smiled.

"Of course my Queen." replied Nora with a smile as she followed after Wura with the tray in her hand.


Wura sighed as she was alone in her office. It felt good to be back, but she could not lie that it was hard to enjoy being back while she was dealing with so many conflicting ideas in her mind.

She was currently fighting with the idea of good and bad in her mind, fighting between right and wrong and she just felt so conflicted.

"Come in." said Wura as she heard someone outside her tent calling her name.

"Good morning Wura." said Mero as he walked into her tent with a smile.

"Good morning Mero..." she replied sadly without a smile.

"Is something wrong?" Mero asked quickly as he placed a kiss on her cheek and she sighed.

"Yes, but I am not sure that I should discuss it with you." she replied.

"You know that you can tell me anything, what is wrong?" he asked softly.

"It is Nora, I feel like such a terrible person Mero, I am betraying her like this. If there had to be someone I should betray, it should not be her." said Wura sadly as Mero sat down.

"You should not torment yourself like this... you are not the only one betraying her, I am betraying her as well." said Mero.

"That does not matter Mero, you do not understand, you are not even married to her yet, I am the one that is the worst person, I should have known better than to agree to such an arrangement." said Wura as she sighed heavily, her voice loud and vehement, at this point she did not even care if someone passing by outside was listening, she just felt like she had to speak.