Wura rubbed her eyes and groaned, she could feel a massive headache coming on.
Oh why did she have to allow herself be so weak and selfish? Why did she have to be so frail and allow herself to succumb to feelings that she should never have embraced.
If only she had just ignored her feelings for Mero, if only she had pushed them far away and avoided him.
Whatever they shared was certainly not good enough to cause her extreme stress and weakness. Her days were troubled, her mind was racing.
It was better to have peace than to be tormented as she was now. Imagine, she the queen, had to hide her secrets so no one would find out?
How low had she stooped to the point that she could not even tell the truth to the one person she owed it most.
"I am such a horrible person, terrible person." she whispered to herself.
Wura was so enthralled by her thoughts that she was unable to hear when Nora walked into her office and called out to her.
"My queen, are you alright?" Nora asked yet again as Wura flinched snapping out of her daze.
"Nora?! What are you doing here?" she asked surprised.
"I wanted to surprise you my queen, but are you alright?" Nora asked worried. When she had walked in, Wura had this forlorn look present on her face, as if she was miserable.
"You truly did surprise me, I am perfectly alright Nora." Wura replied she stood up and smiled quickly.
"Are you sure my queen? You looked rather sad?"
"I will admit that I was thinking of something really sad, but I am better now that I see you." she smiled as she gave Nora a hug.
"How nice of you to come and surprise me Nora." she smiled as Nora laughed.
"I also have to admit that I came over here because I was bored, but it is nice that you are happy to see me my queen." Nora replied smiling as Wura broke their hug.
"Well... I am truly happy to see you here Nora, but did it not cross your mind that you would meet Mero here?" Wura asked frowning.
"I did think of the possibility my queen, however, I concluded that he too is a busy man, and he cannot possibly be by your side all day, I just decided to take my chances." she replied.
"I see, but what if you had walked in and he was here? I just do not want you to be unhappy Nora. That is the last thing I want for you." she said.
"I know my queen I do, but had he been here, I would not have walked in, instead I would have taken my leave and neither of you would have known that I was here." she replied.
"I see... so that means that you are still not ready to speak to him?" asked Wura.
"No, not yet... I need some more time. I am afraid that if I do try to speak to him at this moment in time, I would still feel so overwhelmed." she admitted.
"I understand you completely Nora." Wura smiled.
"So my queen, do you have anything for me to do?" asked Nora as she smiled.
"Well, not really, I just had to send out these letters, but I will send someone else to do so, since one of the letters needs to be sent to Mero." she said.
"Oh..." Nora said as she looked down, she had not realized till now how much Mero's involvement would limit her own duties.
"Yes... does that make you sad?" Wura asked noticing Nora's sudden coldness.
"No, it is not that my queen, it is just that you and Mero work so closely together that I really cannot help you." she said sadly.
"I know Nora, but that does not make you any less important to me or to yourself." Wura said as she laid a hand on her shoulder.
"Look, this is just a time in your life where you need to grow and move on, that is the most important thing right now." Wura said as Nora nodded.
"And I assure you that very soon, everything will make sense and you will stop feeling as sad as you do." Wura said as Nora smiled, she wondered why Wura sounded so sure, regardless she knew that she was right.
"Thank you my queen." Nora smiled as Wura smiled at her.
"You do not have to thank me."
"Now, to settle the issue at hand, which is your boredom." she said.
"Basically, you are done with all your duties for the day, it would be alright if you take the rest of the day off to do whatever you want to do." said Wura as she smiled.
"Oh my queen, I do not think that is a good idea, I will just end up feeling like I am useless." she replied.
"Oh alright, I will not force you to do what you do not want to do." Wura said.
"So, what would you like to do?" she asked.
"Anything is fine, as long as I get to stay here with you." she said causing Wura to smile.
"You know what Nora, you can help me to deliver these letters, and when you are done you can come back here I have something else for you to do." Wura said as she sifted through the pile of letters on her desk and handed some to Nora.
"Alright my queen, consider it done." she smiled and with that Nora left swiftly.
Nora was happily on her way to deliver the letters when Zuph saw her from afar.
He smiled and raised his hand to call out to her when he felt Elihu hit his hand down aggressively.
"What was that for?" he asked annoyed as he looked at Elihu.
"Wow, so that is how your face lights up when you see her, I wonder how she is not certain by now that you have feelings for her." he scoffed.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Zuph asked frowning.
"Firstly, you are supposed to be focused on your duties, and I am sure that she is going about her duties as well." Elihu began.
"I am focusing on my duties, unlike you." Zuph replied.
"Secondly, now is not the time to show her how desperately in love you are with her, get a hold of yourself man!"
"I seriously do not see what you are talking about." Zuph scoffed.
"You could at least try to look less miserable whenever Nora is not present. Your face literally lit up like the sun." he said.
"Really now?" Zuph asked, sure that Elihu was probably exaggerating.
"Yes, before you saw her, you looked as if life was terrible, once you saw a glimpse of her, your entire mood changed." he said.
"I guess that maybe that does happen to me." he admitted slowly.
"If you keep this up she will find out about your feelings before you are ready to tell her about them." Elihu scolded.
"Then what do you suppose I do?" that was the last thing Zuph wanted to happen, he was already scared that he would lose Nora before he had the chance to tell her how much she meant to him.
"Firstly, stop looking so in love." Zuph scoffed.
"Of course that is easy for you to say, you have never loved anyone in your life." he replied.
"That is not true, there is only one woman I have ever loved and even then, I pretended as if I hated her so..." replied Elihu.
"Can you just relax there, I am not going to act as if I hate Nora." Zuph replied.
"I am not saying that you should, all I am saying is that you need to act less interested in her, the sooner you learn how to do that the better it is for the both of you." Elihu said as Zuph nodded.
He could not believe that he was actually listening to Elihu as his advisor in love right now.
"Alright, I hear what you are saying." he replied.
"Good, but as you do that, also have it at the back of your mind that you also need to behave as if nothing has changed."
"If anything, women may seem like they are not very quick to notice changes, but they do, if you change too drastically, she will notice and start to question you." he added.
"This is all so confusing, so what exactly are you saying I should do?" asked Zuph.
"Be calm, and show less interest in her without letting her know that you are showing less interest in her." Elihu said.
"Do you know how confusing all of that sounds?!" Zuph exclaimed.
"I know it is, but I am sure that you can handle it Zuph. You are the one in love after all." Elihu laughed, Zuph did not find this funny.