Let's meet!

''I'm telling you, the painting is scary. If you don't want to get nightmares, then, don't even curious about it. JingJing, the painting devours souls. Don't ever come into my room to look at it least it devours your soul.''

''Are you serious?''

''Yes, I am serious! So, goodnight!'' Xiuying pushed JingJing outside the door and locked it. She leaned against the door and sighed.

''I should place it well. JingJing is curious and won't hesitate to come in and take a look. If she finds out that something like this exist, she will be frightened. Until I figure all of this out, I can't let her know of anything.'' Xiuying muttered.

Xiuying picked the box and emptied some of its contents into the bowl for the cat before going to her bed. She picked the painting and looked at it.

She leaned the painting against the wall and sat on the bed looking at it. ''You and I are the same person, right?'' Xiuying asked.