Unlike Dr. Yes whom is free?

'Yes. I have been looking for similar portraits because it concerns my ancestors. They are five paintings in total and I have three, but one is with you and the other one is a painting of a reflective mirror. They were missing from my ancestors' home in Suna forest which is now modern day Xiexi State.''

'I was wondering if Miss Yin would be so kind to allow me have a picture of it if you won't give it to me. Of course, I am willing to pay any amount for it.''

'I see the painting is quite important to you. Let's do this… if you allow me to see the other three paintings, then, I will also let you see the one I have.''

'Xiuying, what are you doing here?'' Kai walked over to them. He held Xiuying's hand and looked at Judge Jude.

'Hi, Mr. Chu.'' Kai greeted.

'I was asking Miss Yin about her wrist. Sorry for wasting your time, Miss Yin.'' Judge Jude said and walked away.

'What were you talking about with him?'' Kai asked.