A painting of her...

Xiuying's eyes caught sight of a deep red orchid plant sitting on a long table as she walked the hallway, following Judge Jude into the room.

''A long time ago, the world was filled with mysterious creatures. Living as humans, they took human form and lived in our world. It was almost impossible to recognize them, but if one was careful enough. You would still find the small differences that separated them from human beings.''

''It wasn't easy to get rid of these creatures. They were obviously cheating human beings by living in their world, yet they didn't hesitate to destroy the earth they occupied. Even the gods couldn't stop them.''

''Talk about chaos!''

Judge Jude said and turned to look at Xiuying. Xiuying's nonchalant look made him realize that she had no idea what he was talking about. When he got to the door and reached for the handle, he heard Xiuying's voice.

''That is an interesting story.'' Xiuying said and Judge Jude smiled.