I'm also not a good man.

Jie Fu Lian liked to believe that he was one of the people who knew Jin Long the best and it was hard to imagine Jin Long agreeing to marry someone on impulse like that.

Recently, he was starting to learn new information about Jin Long and it really made him feel as if the person he knew was not the same as the current Jin Long. 

He couldn't help but ask himself whether he had been mistaken about Jin Long. Had the man drastically changed after his death or had he always been like this but Jie Fu Lian had simply failed to notice...?

Jie Fu Lian suddenly remembered what Hua Tianshu had told him. He had clearly said that Jin Shifeng and Jin Long didn't have a loving relationship with each other. Even after their marriage, they hardly interacted with each other. While Jin Shifeng was mostly busy cultivating in seclusion, Jin Long was busy with administrative work.