H-He is the one...!

"I do not even know who you are talking about," Jie Fu Lian honestly spoke. 

"Okay," Jin Gengxin gritted his teeth and nodded his head as he spoke, "Then let's say that was also done by someone else who wanted to frame you. What about the proof that we have received of you contacting the demon king?" 

"The demon king?" Jie Fu Lian repeated. 

At this point, he felt as if this whole conversation was just ridiculous. 

"Why the hell would I contact the demon king? There is no one else who wants to kill the demon king more than me!" 

"Jie Fu Lian, you have been secretly contacting the demon king from time to time and have sold out vital information to that wicked man. We have every right to believe that you have colluded with the demons!" 

"Don't be ridiculous! I have killed more demons than I could count. Do you think I would really work with the likes of them...?!" 

"It doesn't matter what I think. There is proof."