Time to Work

"Wake up everyone, it's time to get to work", yelled a voice banging a pan and spatula loudly, echoing throughout the hallway.

Upon hearing the voice, Tang Lin groaned as he got up and opened to see what the commotion was. As he watched people running here and there in a rush.

"Hey you!" yelled the voice from his right.

He turned to see a middle-aged man wearing a tang suit.

"M-Me?" asked Tang Lin, confused.

"Yeah you, who else would I be talking to? You're the newcomer, right? Today's a big day, so don't screw up. Miss Fang Yue from the Fang clan is visiting the Xu family on business matters and all servants must be present to welcome them in the courtyard before continuing their tasks. Now follow me, I'll tell you what your job is and where to go afterwards", informed the man.

"By the way, my name is Gu Dong and I'm the head servant in charge of supervising everyone. You can call me Old Gu, what's your name?", he asked.

"My name is Tang Lin", he replied.

Although wary, Tang Lin listened to his instructions as he walked with him to the courtyard where a group of servants had already arrived and were lining up.

"How grand, I wonder who Miss Fang Yue is?" thought Tang Lin.

Just as Tang Lin was pondering, the sound of horses and carriages grew louder.

"Just in time, hurry to your position", said Old Gu, pointing to an empty spot towards the middle of the right side.

"Greetings Miss Fang Yue, welcome to my humble abode", stated a voice coming from inside of the Xu family's main house.

As Tang Lin turned around, he saw a tall man with broad shoulders walk out.

"That must be the Xu family's patriarch, Xu Lin. He must be at least at the Core Formation stage" thought Tang Lin grimly, his strength too unfathomable for the current Tang Lin to understand.

Walking behind the patriarch was Xu Yang and Xu Ming as Tang Lin failed to repress his rage, killing intent starting to leak out.


Someone had karate chopped Tang Lin's head lightly as he turned behind him.

"I don't know what grudge you have towards the Xu family, but you need to learn to control yourself or you're going to get yourself killed" warned Old Gu.

"He was right. I need to control myself", thought Tang Lin.

"Sorry, thank you for the advice", thanked Tang Lin, his originally tense expression loosening a bit more.

Ignoring the Xu family, Tang Lin looked back to see the Fang Clan's servants helping someone out of the carriage respectfully. With slender legs and a slim body, her hanfu wrapped tightly around her body further accentuating her curves. Her skin was as white as snow as her jet-black hair slightly fell to the side of her face. Sweeping her hair back, she looked forward with an aloof dilemma. Her gaze seemed to penetrate to the very depths of Tang Lin's soul with her deep azure eyes.

"Divine", muttered Tang Lin, a slight shade of red blossoming around his face.


"Beautiful, isn't she? I heard that she is a cultivation genius beyond the likes of Xu Yang. She has already stepped into the 2nd stage of the Foundation Establishment realm at the mere age of 14. Two years younger than Master Xu Yang and the same age as Master Xu Ming although he doesn't have as much talent as his older brother", told Old Gu.

Despite hearing this, Tang Lin was not discouraged as her appearance was already deeply engraved within his mind.

"Let's go now, I'll finally tell you what your job is as we walk there", said Old Gu.

Still slightly intoxicated by Fang Yue's beauty, he drunkenly followed Old Gu.

"So, what am I meant to do?" inquired Tang Lin, as he accompanied Old Gu to the back of the Xu family's residence near the forest.

"This place is where you will work and your job is to cut all these logs up for firewood by yourself", said Old Gu as he pointed to the massive mountain of spirit trees prepared beforehand, rivalling the size of the Xu family main building.

"There had to be at least 1000 spirit trees to be cut in that pile", thought Tang Lin as his jaw dropped.

"By the way, do not enter the 'Forest of Remorse' at all costs. Even the elders and patriarch of the Xu family are cautious of the inner depths of the forest. Otherwise, at your level you will likely immediately die", Old Gu warned as he pointed to the forest on the left side of the Xu family's estate.

"Good luck, you'll need it", said Old Gu pitifully.