Back to the Wilderness

"Anyway, we're going to our first expedition after going to get some equipment, after coming back we can sort out this place, I hope by then I can think of a way of protecting the borders as well, until then, no one can live here... we can't have Sophia and Anya in this insecure place." 

Until he had placed all the arrays and murals and traps, he wouldn't allow anyone to leave here, leaving some 'scarecrows' would perhaps help keep some disgusting fellows away.

"Thank you, boss!" Andre noticed sincere care for his family in there, once again reaffirming that he had made the right choice, without further ado, Constantine set motion.

"Let's go. We have to get some gear for Malik and Raki before setting off, they can't go like that." The boy and girl nodded with appreciation, they had no weapons and no plates, stepping out like this were they not to be accompanied, would be suicide. 

