Home Sweet Home I

From the other side of the street Constantine managed to see the moment Andre together with Sophia, Anya and Malik were coming back from the North of the city.

"Andre!" He yelled to gain their attention and naturally, the big man yelled back with equal enthusiasm, no, he overpowered Constantine in this aspect!


"..." Constantine sighed, yet another way of addressing him. Sir, Mr, Boss, Master...

"We found a place that resembles what you're looking for, but the price oh... this girl." Andre began explaining the situation and it was only then that he and his wife noticed that there was someone else with him that they didn't know.


Anya saw that Malik was glaring at Raki slightly, she pouted and elbowed the boy harshly on his ribs!


"What's wrong, Malik?" They all asked him with Anya and Sophia both giggling.

