
Constantine's gaze moved left and right, on one side there was those molluscs sort of creatures, on the other side aside from some burns his bomba hadn't done anything to those werewolves except for some burning, thankfully, however, there was now a very convenient cloud of smoke that was covering the entire field, but with the forest's wind, it would disperse soon. 

"Zamira, take her away back to the horse!" He yelled while halting one of the werewolves.

The purple-haired girl was momentarily bewildered, 'what horse!?' but she then recalled the name of the flower they had used, Dead Horse, he just said it like that for the werewolves not to know where that location was just in case. 

"... Okay!" Without doubting his orders or his capabilities as she knew that would only be a detriment, Zamira rushed to grasp a surprised Nia who couldn't believe they were just going to run and leave him here. 

"You're not going-"