Past Memories: Sadness I


"Babe calm down..." 

It has been a year already, a difficult one. A year of decisions, thankfully Nova could say that although she didn't like him leaving his post and responsibilities, Constantine had been there every step of the way. 

Katherine, Gerald and Casper... those were the names they put to their children with Casper being the one that was born with a rather big head, as it turns out apparently it could have been worse since most malfunctions of babies birthed from incest couples have permanent degenerative diseases, however, at least this one could be fixed even if it was risky. 

Only after being convinced by Constantine did she decide to put her child's life in the line for the sake of him having a better future, her beloved said that having such an incapacity in a cruel world like this one would be the same as dying early and he refused to see his child suffer for it.