Indebted to him

While Krizzia was on her way back to the hospital, all of a sudden, her friend Zachary called.

She had no idea of why he was calling her, but she's even more glad to find him missing her. She smiled before tapping the answer button.

"Hello, Zach?" She greeted him, happily.

Meanwhile, Zach was staying at the University's oval benches. "How are you, Krizzia? Did you get proper sleep every day?"

Krizzia hailed the incoming taxi cab, while she was still on the phone. Listening to him. "I'm fine, Zach. How about you? Were you stressed at school? Did you eat on time?" they are like a couple who always check for each other's health and situations in terms of their family, work, and problems.

Zach chuckled at how sincere she was to him, he was also surprised that she did not yell at him. "I'm good. But I'm more than worried about you. I heard about my auntie's condition from my mother. How is she doing right now? Is she safe?"

Krizzia's smile was sweet and flustered. She opened the cab's door and went inside. Later on, the cab began to move. "Actually, these days are tiring. I rarely take a nap nor had a good sleep, because I'm looking after my mom, while dad was resting at home at night. But my mom is already okay now, the doctor said... she will be discharged if my mom will be doing well during the observation."

Zachary is sad, if only he was there... he could've helped her. She might as well be taking a good rest at night. But because he wasn't there to support her, he felt useless. "I'm sorry, Krizzia..." Krizzia's status in life was never been new to him. He knew how Krizzia worked all day, just to make a living. To the point that taking a rest was not an option to her anymore.

His sudden apology makes her wonder and confused. "Why are you apologizing, Zach? You didn't do anything -"

Krizzia was not able to finish her sentences, when he spoke in chorus. "I'm sorry because I wasn't able to help you. I'm sorry if I was away..." he looked down to the surface and then overlooked the horizon. Feeling guilty.

It made her smile turn into a sly one. Her eyes formed into a cheeky slit. "Silly! I'm not that weak, you know! Even without you here, I was able to organize the things that my family was needing. Perhaps, I can't always be dependent on you. You have to keep going as I will do the same." she smiled as she peek to see the scenery outside the car's window. "We just have to do our best and call each other when we need each other's support."

Zach realized something. It's just that, his spoiled best friend from before becomes mature and does know how to be considerate. It made him happy. "I'll see you on weekends. Make sure to use your day off for me, alright?" now, he's trying to replace her place before.

She burst out laughing, "Really, Zach? Since when did you become clingy and needy in regards to my attention?" she still can't believe him. Oh my, she got teary eyed for laughing much.

Zach laughed as well, "Why? Is there something wrong if I ask for time from you? Why was that? Is it only you who was allowed to ask for my time? Oi, Alastair! I'm telling you, you're more demanding than me." he teased as well as being offensive.

She wiped the tear that fell off of her eye with the use of her index finger. "So, is this some kind of revenge? Hmm, Zachary?"

She heard him sneeze. "It's not. But I'm kind of missing the old days. I also noticed that we're busy with each other's goal and forget to spend some of our time with each other."

That makes sense, and eventually took her memory back to the old days. A smile crept into her lips when she realized how stubborn she was from the past. "Alright, let's do that." she agreed to his request before ending the call because she arrived at the bank just near the hospital.

"Thank you, Mister." she said when she gave her payment to the driver.

The driver nodded at her, "Thank you too, Ma'am. Have a nice day!"

She went inside the bank and asked the bank staff to transfer the money from the cheque to her bank account. She found it more convenient rather than withdrawing cash. It can be stolen if she took them by bag. And she's also afraid for that to happen.

When her appointment was done from the bank, she went to the hospital and headed to the cashier. "Good afternoon, Miss. How may I help you?"

"Hi, good afternoon too." she greeted back the teller. "Uhm, I'm here to pay the hospital bills and expenses of my mom."

The teller nodded and worked something on the computer, "Okay, what is her surname?"

"Quinn is her surname. We are occupying room 404 at VIP floor." Krizzia is in a good mood while taking her bank card from her wallet. But before she could hand offer the card for payment...

"Oh... Miss Quinn, I'm pleased to meet you that Mrs Quinn's bills were already paid." the teller said with all smiles while looking at her surprised face.

"H-How did that happened? I mean, we don't have any other family member who can pay for us. Can you please re-check?" she's nervous as she is looking at the teller.

The teller shook her head, showing that she's serious with her answer. "I'm sorry, Miss Quinn. But the computer doesn't know how to lie. For assurance..." then, the teller turned the computer for her to see the payment's status of her mother in the hospital. "This is her current status. All expenses are paid and there will be no other pending fees for you to pay."

Her eyes widened in shock, as she was having a deep breath, "Are you sure that the system was telling the truth? Miss, I haven't been here in the cashier for four days since the day that my mother was admitted here. There's no way we could pay our bills!" she exclaimed.

"Please, calm down Miss Quinn. I'll try to re-check it and ask for my colleagues." the teller advised her to calm down as it was working to ask its colleagues.

She waited, patiently. After a few minutes of waiting at the bench, the teller called her and told her the same thing. "Miss Quinn, someone paid the bills of Mrs Quinn three days ago. Here comes the detailed time and date. Though, this person's identity was anonymous. Did you have someone in mind who can do this action?"

Krizzia is confused, and tried to think for someone who can do this to her family. She knows that she should be grateful of this blessing, but because of the person's identity was hidden... she couldn't be at ease and think for more about it.

Before she left, "If you have someone in mind who could afford to pay the expenses of your mom, I suggest you to try asking." the teller said.

Now that she's walking out of the elevator and tracking the path of the silent hallway towards her mom's room, Krizzia was still occupied upon guessing the anonymous Samaritan.


"Krizzia?" her mother called her.

She blinked thrice before looking up to her mother who is lying in the bed. "Oh, ma?" she uttered. She left the sofa and approached her mom. "You're awake."

Her mom looked at her with worry, "I saw you spacing out. Was there any problem that I didn't know?"

She shook her head with a smile on her lips, "It was nothing, ma. It's just about work."

Though, her mom seems not convinced. "I heard you and your papa the other day, why did you do that Krizzia?"

Now Krizzia is confused with her mom's vogue question. "Heard us what, ma?"

Mrs Quinn closes her eyes for a bit and eventually opens it with guilt written on her face. Krizzia was alarmed and took her mother's hand. "I felt guilty for putting you into this situation. I couldn't avoid from blaming myself with all the burdens I give to you and your Papa. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry if I'm weak." later on, she found her mom crying.

"Mom, mom. Listen, alright?" she hushed her mom through kissing her in the forehead. "You are not a burden to us, never you will become. This situation? I believed this was just God's tests to us. All we have to do right now is to hold on to each other's faith, tightly. We can't be weak for we have to keep going no matter what the circumstances waiting for us ahead. I believed we can get through this, mom. And you have our faith and our hope too." she felt lighter than earlier, talking to her mom this way is making her feel delighted. "You are like our sunshine to our darkness. Despite of your condition, we couldn't blame you for you gave us a lot of inspiration to keep living. We can't lose you that's why me and dad tried our best to offer the best we can do."

At the end of the day, Mrs Quinn realized her daughter's words. She felt ashamed for she did not able to realize it immediately. Perhaps, she's grateful to her two loyal loved ones who are there to support her.

After a while, Mr Quinn arrived with a food container, drinks, and fruits. They had their lunch together. Spending their time for a few talks before she say goodbye to her parents for she needs to leave and take a rest at home before going to the club.

While she was asleep, a certain encounter which happens from the present does rewind in her dream.

She could see herself in front of a refrigerator, talking to herself in regards of her own concerns when someone spoke and surprised her.

She wakes up breathless. As if she could feel the shock she just had from the dream.

"Hunt..." she mumbled to herself and see the sky's color. It's sunset.

She decided to get out of her bed and prepared everything she will need in the job before going to the bathroom and take a bath.

While she's under the shower, a series of scenes that she was embarrassed to think about are flashing like video clips in her memory. She was naked, while Hunt was feasting her with his tongue. Nibbling and sucking her taut nipples.

She closed her eyes as well as splashing her face with cold water, trying to erase the unwanted memory from playing in her head. But as she was trying to erase it, she remembered his face shocked face after founding that she's actually a virgin.

"Arghh!" she groaned in annoyance and quickened herself from taking a bath.

---at the bar---

The bar was in constant heat. Many guests are having fun with alcohol, cigarettes, women, and music.

Men are whistling over Krizzia's performance, screaming how good and sexy she was. This time, she's not wearing a mask, her face can be seen clearly. She is beautiful, and many did give her a tip in the box just below the stage.

While dancing, she didn't bother herself from roaming her vision around the area. Afraid that she might be able to see those frightening men which desires her with lust.

For ten minutes of dancing, finally her performance is over.

"Krizzia, you did a great job!" Aunt Josh, her gay manager applaud her.

She smiled at him while wiping her sweat with a towel. "It's because you're a great instructor, Auntie. Thank you." she replied which makes the dance manager laughed.

"And you are a good student, Krizzia. Anyway, I have to go and assist the others."

She nodded and waved to him before going to the dressing room. No one is inside, except for her. She sat in front of her vanity table and glared at her own reflection. "Im beautiful." she said, "But that was before I lost it." she's sad with the fact that she lost the gem which she was protecting.

Why does she thought about it again? It happens already, and he helped her too. Her tears streamed down to her soft cheeks. Her eyes become swollen. Why is she crying? Isn't her sacrifices for her mom just like what she said to herself before she decide?

She looked up the ceiling and blinked countless. She wiped her tears too and began to remove her make up with a wet wipes.

The door of the dressing room opened, it spit her colleagues who had just get over with the performance.

"Have you seen Mr Reid? He's so handsome!"

"Yeah, I did too."

"Well, it's just so sad that he left without watching us 'till the end of the performance."

"My confidence decreased when he left."

Krizzia on the other hand, was surprised to hear that he was actually there! Her movements slowed just to give more attention to the topic which her colleagues are discussing.

"I feel like he's here for Krizzia."

"Krizzia is just so good at dancing, who wouldn't admire her?"

"Wait!" one of her colleagues said, which makes the entire team silenced. "Krizzia, what is your relationship with Mr Reid?" but then, she was approached by them.

"He invited you last time, right? What happened? Did the two of you stepped your relationship to another level?"

"Come on, Krizzia. Share something!"

Krizzia who was confused, doesn't know what to say nor what to share. Except for chuckling and shaking her head, awkwardly.

"Omg! Are you his girlfriend?" though, she didn't also expect that most of them will mistook him.

She was alarmed, "No, no! He's not my boyfriend. And about last time, you witnessed that I rejected his offer. So, I don't have something to do with him."

Everyone seemed to understand her reasons, she saw them thinking about it. "You do have a point."

"Well, maybe... we predicted it wrong."


She just sighed when they left her and mind their own business. To wrapped up things from work, she changed her clothes and left after.

It's already two forty-five in the morning, and she's still walking by the sidewalk towards the waiting shed, when a car stopped by in purpose.

She stopped walking and see the driver. Her mood gone bad when she saw the owner of that car. She was about to leave when...

"Hey, can we talk?"

'Alright, Krizzia. You owe him, so let's give him a chance and spare your anger for another day.' she said to herself before facing him.

"Okay, let's talk. I have something to tell you too."

They went to a 24/7 cafe, sitting opposite to each other near the glass wall. "Why are you following me, Mr Reid? Aren't we clear in regards of my conditions after what happened?"

He's looking at her, seriously. "I know and you must be very disappointed today."

Her face blushed when she felt like facing a different version of Hunt Thaddeus Reid. But before he could see that, she was able to hide it right away. "I do, and what are your reasons?" she's not being arrogant, she just want to know why he puts so much effort just to follow her. Therefore, playing around the bush were time consuming and it's obviously late. She is still needed in the hospital to look after her mom.

"I need you." he uttered and she's confused.

"You need me? For what? Another sex? I'm telling you, Mr Arrogant Boss, I will not do that craziness again!" she hissed and gone offensive. Even if he hadn't told her his reasons.

He chuckled. "Are you that afraid to try again?"

Her blood pressure increases because of him, teasing her. "I'm not!" she hissed, not even thinking of her answer.

His amusement grew, "Really? Can we have a try, again?" with his chuckles, she saw how truthful his smiles are. Unlike what she saw before, fake and cold.

"I-I was just kidding! As I have said, I don't want to try it again! Pervert!" she stood up to leave because he was making fun of her again but he was able to catch her wrist.

The teasing face he had a moment ago was gone. It was replaced with a serious one. "I'm sorry. I was just trying to light up the mood."

Looking at him unbelievably, "Lighting up the mood? Really? You are obviously scaring me!" it's the truth, just by discussing about sex is scaring her. Especially when she knew how it feels.

Pain, that's the initial subject which she couldn't afford to try again.

His face softened, she could hardly believe the emotions she saw from his face because of the previous treatment she received from him. "I didn't know that it was scaring you. I'm sorry, please give me a chance and hear me out. I badly need your help, Krizzia."

She looked deeply into his eyes and confirmed how sincere he is. They're standing opposite to each other, while his hand is holding her wrist, when...

"I'm sorry to interrupt you, Ma'am and Sir. But I have to place your orders now." they are being interrupted by the waitress.

She took her wrist back and avoid gazes from him while she decided to sit down.

"It's okay," he answered.

"Thank you, Sir. I hope you could fix the problem you had with your wife. She's beautiful and kind, I hope you won't waste her." the waitress said before it left.

Meanwhile, she's speechless. Per as he got amazed with how she reacted. 'So this is how she will react when someone misunderstood her. How amusing.'

"You okay?" he asked her while sipping a bit of his coffe

"Uhh... y-yeah!" she said, stammering. Then picking the coffee he brought for her.

"Krizzia, I need a woman to play as my wife. And I think you're more than suitable for that role."

Out of surprised, she spit the coffee accidentally. "What?!"