Fleeing is Best

After winning the duel against Li Shu, the poet was sent back to the previous floor, while the Qi barrier surrounding the Arena of Fire dissipated. Immediately, the crowd began cheering, yelling out praises and compliments directed at Xuan like he was some kind of great hero.

Of course, none of these comments and remarks were genuine. If anything, they saw how Xuan had used Blood Techniques during the fight, and despite/fear him for it. Hell, he even summoned the power of an ancient evil race thought to have been wiped out—but all that didn't matter. After all, everyone present had just witnessed the Immortal Fairy Huo Fei hug him and call him her husband. In other words, if they wanted to still be welcome here, they'd better do their best to kiss Xuan's ass.

Speaking of, Huo Fei immediately ran towards Xuan as soon as the arena platform disappeared, and checked all over his body for any sign of injuries.