Dimension Transcender True God

As Xuan and Yixun descended the staircase, the torches on both sides of the dusty stone walls came to life. They seemed to be following them, illuminating the path ahead like helpful guides in the darkness. The sunlight outside couldn't reach too far in, unfortunately, so the two had to rely on these odd blue torches as their source of light.

The journey down was shorter than expected—after just a few minutes of descending, the staircase ended, and the two found themselves inside an open chamber. Up ahead was yet another set of sealed double doors, but neither Xuan nor Yuxin were eager to open it. After all, there was a terrible pressure lingering in the air that grew more profound the deeper they went, and it seemed to be coming from just beyond that passage.

Yuxin gulped. "So, uh… are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Why don't you go and find out?" Xuan asked in reply, not budging an inch. "The doors are right there."