Eternal desire

Hey readers,

While was trying to write this portion of the story, I was thinking about the thing which could unite people's thought in the lane of generation gap and bang- Cigarettes seemed to be the thing which could show that wickedness which roams in the globe and could be used as an intersectional point because of growing vicious habits although this text doesn't promote any kind of wicked habits like smoking and drinking which could ruin happy families.

So read it for fun not to adopt!!!!




Without any hurry, he slowly took his thin wrinkled fingers out of his pocket disclosing another cigarette held between his fingers.

"You know you can still have one...if you want...." The old man again asked teasingly.

But he tried hard not to crumble,

The young one rolled his eyes and look outside the window of the truck distracting his mind from that offered cigarette to the image of his young beautiful wife.

But it was much harder for him to resist that his eternal desire...

"Stop showering, jackass!!!" The younger one punches a fist against the wheel in frustration and wrath cursing the clouds...or maybe taking out his anger on the clouds...

He had to deliver the package by morning but it seems impossible right now...

Getting unfavorable responses,

"Okay..." the old guy make a dissatisfied face and took out a lighter from the back pocket of his torn jeans.

And gently lit his cigarette...

The smell of the enchanting to that younger one that his mind goes blank and the only thing his mind was focused on was that burning cigarette...

He mildly wipes off drool which was leaking from his mouth with a mindless shy smile "if you insist..." and grabs the cigarette from the man hungrily like it was the end of the earth...

The more experienced one giggles out celebrating"That's my boy!!!" and offers him a lighter to light his cigarette.

while burning the cigarette, the younger one glace at the old man in the matter and articulate while holding his burning cigarette within his teeth.

"Don't you dare to tell my wife about that!!!"

The curls on the old man's skin doubled with a grin.....