Chapter 2

My Heart

My heart continues to beat when flooded with thoughts and memories

So why must it feel like it doesn't

Why must it feel as if it stops with every thought of you

I become blue

Not a beat rings through me

Choking me out from the inside

Simply because you hurt me

And that can never be undone


Silently she dances

Fueled by the warmth of the sun on her skin

And in her hair sits a pearl lined hair pin

Holding back a lock

Of her silky, smooth hair

That fights to be free

As she floats on the air

Blisters form

As do scrapes

With every fall

Like a rose with thorns

She spins and she leaps

And she stands on the tips of her feet

In the tall, green grass

Coated with used cigarettes and broken glass

Dirt stains on her purple skirt

But underneath her beauty

She hides a world of hurt

She cries with every turn

And sighs with each scratch

She dies in her mind

And lies in the grass

After hours and hours of painful, graceful practice

Fading away at the price of perfection

To become the perfect ballerina

To be who she must

To please who she stands beside

She doesn't even remember who she was

Before the world told her who she was supposed to be

She sees that world through shaky tears

Her eyes filled with love and spite

She is truly a wonder

Truly a sight

Who fights herself

And in the end the world wins

Sp she collapses into a spotlight of sun

Into the glass filled grass

And cigarette ash

Finally giving up


Bones and flesh and nerves

We are simply that

Lumps of functioning meat

That can be conscious

I believe our minds are naturally evil

And our bodies either fight that or embrace it

Do Demons Bleed

Demons lurk beneath our skin

Harvesting our hearts

And splattering our blood

Then brushing it into art

Stealing that precious gem from us

Then tossing our bodies onto the worm filled soil

These demons feed off of our love and positivity

By setting us free

From the burden of living

They take our chances and burn our opportunities

But tell me world

Do those demons themselves bleed


Alone I sit

Crying softly in the glow of the moon

Quiet movement on the cold concrete

My driveway is a place of peace

A place for me to be alone with me

I listen to the wind

And cry out into it

Destroying myself from the inside out

As I stand

A blade in my hand

As I walk to the park and sit on the bench

Pull out the knife

And try to take my own life

It doesn't work

Which kills me inside

As I stare at the slide

Sitting alone with myself

I'm Tired

I'm crying

I'm sighing

I'm dying inside

At this point sobbing is a hobby

A hobby I must hide

I sit in the corner having a breakdown

Then I look up

And I see someone

"Are you okay?"

"Wanna talk?"

"Want a hug?"

No, no, and no

I say with a smiley glow

"I'm fine."

A simple lie

Because with every sigh

I hide

What I feel inside

Too many emotions

I'm tired

Of life

I'm scared

Of my knife

Though I can't help but love it

I crave pain

There's nothing to gain

But scars and cuts

No buts

Just fears and tears and craving more

Who needs love when you can adore self harm

Suicidal thoughts, depression, mood swings

In my ears, thoughts and static rings

A constant leap of faith

Through a ring of fire

I'm tired of it all

I'm tired

Tired of this constant fall

Oh look, it's my turn to make a call

"Hello Mother."

I speak in no other voice than a cold one

Oh how fun, I'm hanging up

I've never felt love for her

Or my father

Who knows why

Maybe I just don't feel love

Maybe I feel hate and heartbreak

And I hate it when people try to feel bad for me

I don't want pity

I hate it

I'd rather they just kill me


She fades away

Slowly turning to dust right before our eyes

Screaming in horror as it floats away

People gather and witness the monstrosity

A look upon their faces

More terrifying than the look of her


Waiting for the day to end

Is the same as waiting to wait again

The lonely man waits for his bride

A flower in his hand

Wilting and falling apart

This flower is his heart

A beautiful rose

From which petals rose a teardrop

Running backwards up a cheek

Into the eye of the creator

Who seeks a wonderful day

Who shall never see his beautiful flower again

The stem is all that's left

Left to rot and decompose as its petals did

He collapses to the floor

And cries out for someone's affection

A current necessity without which he shall die

Though no one responds he continues to weep on the ground

Safe and sound from the other horrors of his life

For without someone to have hurt you

You cannot get hurt

And without have something to wait for

You cannot wait

You can simply exist

A being of nothing and everything

A being of pure loneliness and safety

One who does not wait

One who lives through life

One who does not love

One who does not do anything but stand in his footprints

Treading the same circle around the tree of life

Black Suede Heels



And beauty

Go hand in hand

One stands on a pedestal high above the rest

Standing in her quiet, sunken allure

There is no doubt of the fact that those eyes have seen much

Yet she still walks through life

Clicking in her black suede heels

Step by step she sees more than intended

And pretends she has not seen at all

For chosen blindness is only as good as the choice of the person


A cold steel heart

Sits in the midst of a cold person

Freezing them from the inside out

Frost bite on the lungs pierces each breathe

Until there is not one single gasp left


One step

A cruel shot of pain

Two steps

The same things

The shoes are two sizes too small

But they cant change them out for new ones

The blisters formed long ago

And can't be gotten rid of so easily

Walking is torture

Day by day and tap by tap

They keep a smile up

Despite the burning pain

Cracks in the Pavement

Missing someone is the worst pain of all

Falling for one who is no longer yours

Who gracefully sauntered out of your life

Who was the cement of your cracks

Who's loss broke them open once more

You will be missed my kitten

My figment of beauty and pain

I shall not easily forget you

You shall never leave my heart

Now that you have slipped a piece of yourself

Into those same cracks you once cemented