Chapter Twenty-five

We quietly made our way into Zago like normal people to avoid raising suspicions. We dressed shabbily like they usually did. Their King Matte Kharl never cared about how they dressed, ate, lived, or even survived. Zago was a kingdom with no rules to guide the behavior of its citizens. The only rule that was made in this wretched kingdom was 'never go against the king's orders and the king? King Stefan of Naile. King Matte had his entire life and kingdom devoted to him. Zago was a kingdom known for farming and their soil was richly fertile that it produced the most food crops in the whole of Tapita, but the people of Zago always starved. In fact, they were almost starving to death and kwashiorkor was a common disease that took tons of life yearly. All their food crops which they devote their time to were harvested at every time of harvest annually by their king's men and taken to Devon, to King Stefan.

It was not just their crops, even their coins in form of taxes and fabrics were taken to King Stefan, and whoever retorted was beheaded. Zago had the highest death records in the golden empire since the emergence of King Matte. He was worse than any coward. Zago had no physicians that took care of their health. The only physician they had was one from King Stefan who only treated them three times a year for people who could afford his services.

In fact, Zago was not just a hell to reside in, even its weather was dreary at all times and it constantly dragged the spirits of the citizens down. Beggars were filled up on the way but they would always run away whenever the King or other noblemen came their way as begging was a punishable offense but people still had to beg to survive or die in penury, a death caused by malnutrition. Having good dresses and good houses was in fact not of utmost concern to the sixty percent of citizens who lived in abject poverty. Their concern was to eat and survive. Their house roofs leaked and in a situation of heavy rain, their entire house would become flooded, that is for people who could afford to roof their houses.

The most reliable source of food was their river. The king had never been to that side of the kingdom as King Stefan was not interested in their fish. Devon had enough rivers to habitat fishes and so he was even getting tired of eating them. The Fishermen in Zago would find a way to make a poor-looking and weak hook and after they fish, they took it to the market for sale.

"Zago looks worse than explained in stories." Tyril commented when we made our way into Zago and observed the environment.

"and there I was thinking Gepu was the worst. Damitro is really a paradise." I said. "the people look very ill and malnourished." I added.

"They really do but I'll have to remind you that their health is not our business. We have one mission here and we can't get distracted." Dolores said.

I turned to look at her in disbelief, "really now? Is this how you intend to fix Tapita? These are also our citizens and their health should be of primary concern to us." I said.

"I get it okay? But what can you do for them right now? Go on one after the other and make a healing portion for their various illnesses? I don't think you understand what it takes to be a leader. I know you never agree with whatever I say or do but at least show some wisdom." Dolores responded angrily.

"Well, we obviously do not have the same view about leading my people. Listen, Dolores, even if it'd take me one week without rest healing the whole of Zago, I will do it and if it makes me look foolish then I'm willing to be their fool for as long as it takes." I replied.

"And you think words won't get out to King Matte? And eventually to Stefan? By the lights, Naya have some sense. Do you think by giving them remedies you're helping them? You're not Naya. What you're about to do is putting them in harm's way. If you really want to save your people then keep your pride aside and follow my lead. Without your crown Naya, who can never positively effect changes on the lives you wish to. You know absolutely nothing but you always claim you do. You know I'm getting worried over what kind of Queen will rule Devon after Stefan." Dolores said.

Woah, that was deep and quite hurting but from the side of wisdom, Dolores was right. If I would make such hasty and foolish decisions as a crowned Queen in the end, then I may be no different from King Matte.

I could not even respond to Dolores. Not that I was mad at her, no. I was just taken aback by her bitter truth and could not even find the right words to defend myself, because, in reality, I did lack wisdom. Dolores after she said it left.

"She meant no insult, your highness. I understand why we have to be calculative. If we just act out of our emotions, we'll definitely lose it all." Tyril who had been silent the whole time finally spoke.

I smiled and nodded at him.

"We have to catch up with her." I said and followed Dolores as Tyril followed suit.

"where are we headed?" I asked Dolores, not because I wanted to know but because I wanted to be sure she wasn't mad at me.

"I'm trying to figure out somewhere safe. We have to settle in and observe Coward Matte before we swing into action. He's a faithful servant of Stefan so I'm sure convincing him won't be as easy as convincing King Olaf and the others." Dolores responded.

I wanted to respond but as barely as I could realize it, a dagger came flying toward me. It was heading straight to my forehead and it happened so swiftly that I could not even dodge but thankfully, the dagger was stopped by someone's hand.

"Luciana?" I said in shock.

"Seems I'm fated to keep rescuing you." She said.

"what are you doing here?" I asked but she ignored me and responded to the men I hadn't even realized were surrounding us.

"King Matte asked for her alive." She said.

The men with her were soldiers who had been put on a sole duty to capture me.

Tyril quickly pulled his sword from its sheath but it quickly slipped out of his hand and into King Matte's hand.

How did he even get here?...