Chapter Fifty-eight

Queen Penelope missing? Seriously? How could this be? This is honestly a slap to the face for the entire Avalor. How could a person, an unknown person precisely make his way into the kingdom, enchant the entire castle, kill the Queen's guard and made away with a sleeping Queen? Yes King Stefan we know has a hand, infact both hands in this but then, what could be his intentions... Why did he kidnap Queen Penelope and for over twenty four hours the kingdom has heard nothing from him. Well, here comes a letter finally. I hope it states the reason of the kidnap, that is IF... It is a letter from Stefan.

Mimie just brought in a letter from Devon. Nobody knew when the letter arrived but since it has the seal of Devon or rather sealed with a wax stamp from Devon, I believe it is indeed from Devon.

"I found this letter on the Queen's window just now." Mimie said, handing the letter over to Tyril.