Chapter Four

Having to think of ex king Stefan's words had always sent fear to me. I couldn't stop thinking of it and honestly it wasn't even doing anything other than causing trouble to my soul. Indeed the response that come with being a ruler feels like the pressure a boulder causes on one's shoulders. King Stefan had somehow managed to keep his master hidden from people if he really did speak the truth and this master may impose a greater threat than Stefan did in his time. I just really really do hope Stefan was just bluffing. 

Inara and I rode in silence till we got to Damitro. It was a long journey but we our quickly carriage and horses we were able to get there quickly. As soon as we made our way into Damitro, we headed straight to the tavern.

"What do you think the villagers will think of the golden throne if they see her in their village tavern?" Inara asked me when I directed the rider to our destination and we arrived at a tavern.