Chapter Forty-eight

Hey, I do not know whatever plan Dolores has that made her think of a stupid wedding on a stupid day, but whatever that plan is, I don't really care anymore. I got my own plan although Prince Reinhold seems very nice and willing to give me a choice. I don't know, maybe I'm doing the wrong thing but to my people it's the right thing. I already see how excited they all are. All ready to wear their dancing shoes to a royal wedding. Well, I may not be happy or excited as they are but in Reinhold's words, it's my obligation to my people. Royalty is really a bondage. I don't even know what Prince Reinhold meant when he said he was willing to give up his crown but whatever that was, I don't think it's going to happen because a royal wedding between the house of Mongolia and the house of Gandama is happening.

"I know you must be really mad at me, but an actual wedding isn't going to happen." Dolores said. She had been standing at the door after keeping the dresses.