Chapter Fifty

A ROYAL WEDDING. Don't forget it was unplanned but it turned out to be the biggest wedding in the history of Tapita. The hall was filled with guests from all around the world not just from the golden empire and turns out it also had to include Tapita at large. I made my way up slowly while respectfully smiling at every noble that cared to keep a friendly face. My eyes met Reinhardt and he seemed rather disgusted than pleased. Well, who cares. My eyes met Reinhold's and it was undeniable that he had so much joy in his heart but still was tensed, he probably was praying that I don't change my mind and don't worry sweetheart, I have no such plans. 

My eyes also met Tyril's and he had a straight face. The look in his eyes was also confusing. It looked like nonchalance and looked like hurt at thesame time. Well, I'm sorry but somethings are rather left to be.

Well, here we are.