
Stephan was woken, from a nightmare in which he was chased by the undead holding swords and spears, by Soprana tapping him on the shoulder. She always lied next to him, pressing her body against his, taking advantage of his slumber and his helplessness to move. "Time to get up, Stephan. It's already dawn. I don't mind a few hours or more but we will be pushed behind. The others already departed."

He knew she was against him and also knew she was rubbing her breasts against him but he forced his body to not move. He even prayed or his little brother to stay asleep. If she learnt he got a reaction, her annoyance would grow bolder and he didn't need that. Instead, he forced his body to turn in the opposite way, waiting for her to get up but she didn't.

"Oh! Do you want a morning kiss?" she giggled. "Silly me! I must have known what you want. Let me give you a warm morning kiss."

Stephan smiled. He didn't know if he should feel honoured or annoyed. He rolled away as soon as her lips got closer to his mouth. He didn't want to lose his first kiss to someone like her. Who knows? His first kiss might be his last; she would eat him. Though he didn't know how she ate her victims, but he was sure about one thing, kissing her was a taboo he put as an important rule.

This was the first night that passed without incident. Only the three elves had horses, he was forced to walk the entire way with Agandaur and Gillibrian who were as quiet as a mole. They were questioning everything, even their existence. It was until the elves came that they realized there was something odd with their mission and their quest.

By midday, they reached a river. According to Olivia, it was the Whilhelmina River. It extended from Valtrar to other lands. It was one of the longest rivers in Masmoenia. Following the edge of the river, they reached a hut. There was someone living there who would tell them about the tower and where it existed. Naturally, the path was narrow and it needed a guide.

The wooden hut was a modest abode. There were talismans and creepy dolls hanging everywhere, especially the door, seemingly to ward off evil spirits. There were also some strange settings installed nearby. Even Stephan who got a glimpse of the old Masmoenia didn't know what they were. The tower in the shape of a key wasn't also an occurrence in Legend of the Past, proving more that the world was vast and that she omitted many things.

The elves dismounted their horses and attached them to nearby trees. Apparently, there was no one there. They searched around the house and even looked through the windows but no one was spotted anywhere; they were the only present there.

"What do you think we should do now?" Gillibrian asked.

"There is no trace of battle. The owner must be somewhere around here. Let's widen our search area," Stephan replied. "Meanwhile, two of us would stay here obediently until we returned," everyone looked at the messengers.

Everyone dived further into the woods while Stephan followed the river. From the look of it, the owner seemed to have enough food and water around. There was no reason to leave the hut. Still, it hurt no one to check around.

As he walked deeper into the forest, the trees menacingly taller casting dark uneasy shadows, whispers of the wind travelling and reaching his back, causing him to flinch, everything spoke of uncomfortable feelings. There was also the feeling of being constantly watching. Suddenly, as if his mind wanted to divert from the abrupt uneasiness he felt, his eyes noticed a sparkling light hovering. At first, he threw some rocks at it but it didn't move. Next, he approached it slowly ready to jump away at any potential danger.

Touching it didn't provide any danger. Instead, the small light faded and materialized not far from him. He followed it and touched it again and the same thing happened. It had a golden ray bringing peace to the soul. It was a foreign feeling because of everything that happened.

He followed the golden ray, running behind it. Each time he touched it, it teleported ahead showing him a path as if someone wanted him to come to it. In the end, he stopped in front of an elderly who was picking some violet flowers that bloomed on the tree trunk. When he stopped, she spoke.

"Oh, yes… I was waiting for you, Stephan Lancaster," she started. "Did you come for the Tower of Knowledge? I am Solution, the keeper of the gate," she turned slowly, showing a distorted face.

It was all burnt, she had burning marks everywhere and she didn't bother to hide them. A veil over her head spread her hair and her shoulders but it didn't hide her burns; the garment was transparent, while a long baggy dress hid her body. She kept picking the flowers from the trunk and put them gently and slowly inside a basket she held with her left hand.

"Indeed. We came for the tower. I seek answers for a riddle my master bestowed upon me," somehow, it disgusted him how he changed his way of talking. He wanted to say to the woman to cough the way to the tower quickly and disappear. However, the woman imposed respect. She was one that could be called master, unlike someone else.

"Hmmm! Of course, you have. Your master already reached out to me. She expressed her wish to cultivate you in a unique way. You are fated for a life of obscurity and a lost path. You shall wander the realm learning of its dirtiest secrets and witness what happens in the present world," she picked one last flower and then faced him. "I shall show you the way. There is no price expected from you; it was already fulfilled."

"As easy as this!" he forgot his resolution to be polite at the easy way to get to the tower. "I thought there was a riddle, a puzzle, something of the sort. I was confident she left something to torture me with."

"Do not fret my child. If the price wasn't paid, I wouldn't have let you in. Nevertheless, I cannot guarantee the same treatment to the company you brought."