The doll

The current situation was the breathing style of anxiety and stress. He wanted to ask about her, about the ghost and the spectral silhouette but he couldn't, even his mouth refused to move. When one was petrified, nothing moved. It was like he was a statue made to watch the horrific creature. The light of the candle traced the edges of a face similar to a corpse.

It was eerie, creepy and downright horror inspiring. Stephan never thought that everything could turn into a horror scenario. The flame danced slightly and as the creepy ghost grinned showing its yellow teeth full of a sticky substance in a greyish color then it has been extinguished followed by a small stinky breeze holding all the disgusting smell coming from the mouth of the ghost. As soon as there was no light, Stephan could finally move. His legs were like jelly; they gave up on hefting him so he sat down slowly.