I am a wanderer

If he had the vigor in the system, he would have his life limited as well.

Evidently, the man saw him. It wasn't like the crack would be kind enough to hide him.

"Aren't you from Valtrar? Don't you belong to Urmos cult?"

"I see that you know your things, lad," the man stopped his chanting and looked at Stephan. "I don't sense any magic in you and yet, I guess you are an apprentice mage. Do you belong to the magic tower?"

"I am a wanderer."

"It should have been better pretending you are one of them."

"My lie would be quickly found out. Apprentices of the magic tower have an identifier and expensive artifacts and weapons. I don't have any of them."

"You could have earned a few moments of more to live," the man squatted next to Stephan's head. "I am interested in knowing how you ended up in this castle. While everyone knows this part, nobody really comes here."