The secret temple

"Why are you dawdling by the door? Come, approach, I won't possess you, I promise. I don't possess people with worst conditions than mine," the ghost spoke again.

"What's this?" Stephan finally asked, moving the torch over the strange symbols on the ground. His ability didn't detect anything wrong but there was still a possibility of a higher-level trap. His Eye of the Beholder wasn't strong enough.

"There were a bunch of dark priests a long time ago and I say a long time ago because it has been decades, maybe hundreds of years… I don't know exactly how much time passed. I just know that I don't want to be stuck in this place for eternity. At times, I don't envy the living since cruelty became widely spread," the ghost silenced his sound for a while before continuing as if he was thinking. "I need your assistance for a price of course."

The magical words for an adventurer; getting quests for rewards, what would be the reward right now?