The altar entrance

Jack clenched the sword of shadows tightly but he felt it slip from his hands. The fall took a long time to end. He panicked. He searched with his arms in the air, maybe the sword was around, falling with him, but he didn't sense it at all.

On the other hand, Stephan summoned it back to his side. Abnu was baffled at this petty trick. "Why did you leave it with him when you could have easily summoned it back?"

"I want him to feel guilty. I warned him, didn't I? He could believe that the pit was enchanted or something but only I know this place has only one spell, a veil to not show the bottom. This was a well in the past, to get water up for the castle. There were mages supervising this when Masmoenia wasn't with a thick fog."

After a fall that lasted an hour, he finally saw the underground water cave and before knowing it, he was submerged to his head. He swam to where he thought the shore was until a hand yanked him back.