The Will of the High Dark Priestess 2

Aurora observed their expressions for a moment; she had the same expression when she met Ernie but considering how she wasn't whole, she bet it was normal for Ernie to talk.

"Yes, Ernie can talk. Why do you look like you have seen a demon king? Can't you be respectful of my friend here? You are being jerks."

Mike immediately apologized while Stephan refused to do so. "Well, I have never seen a big dog that can talk but it seems I keep forgetting that Masmoenia isn't planet Earth."

"Don't worry, Aurora! The friends of my master are my friends too," he raised his head and stared at the door. "It seems someone keeps going back and forth between this door and another one far from here. Do you want me to investigate? Though I won't move from away from you, master."

"I bet they are simply checking if we were having some immoral actions. Well, I am supposed to be their breeding womb after all. They will go after a while."