The trigger

Stephan didn't want to admit that he was happy that he saw Aurora safe and sound. A part of him was annoyed because she didn't get to them first. However, there was no anger in him. Instead, he felt ashamed because he let her fall into a situation like that.

"I think you got it all wrong," she resumed. "I don't want to make you feel like you did things for nothing but I need to tell you that you did things for nothing. When I was away from you, I noticed something strange. The world stops around an area, a range that is controlled by where Stephan is. So I explored further and got the answers I sought. To get out from here, Stephan, you need to stop thinking that you won't get out unless you get all the items.

The items aren't a must to get. They are only there to keep you busy, to keep you away from seeing the truth. Abnu is right, you need to get your head in its rightful place."