
The mouth that shot from the tree was in the form of a carnivore flower with a long twisting stem. Before it could move back to the dark tree, a shadow flashed before Stephan pulling the monstrous being back and tearing Aurora from it. The shadow of the man was like a shield in front of the apprentice mage.

When he glanced back, his crimson eyes burnt deeply into Stephan. Aurora, on the other hand, looked at him, smiling. "You are such a stupid one," she said in a faint voice. "Put me down! I need to do something."

The man put her down and stepped back as she stood in front of Stephan. Her eyes darted to her shadow. Ernie was late but he came out from her shadow. He seemed calmer for someone who failed to protect his master.

"Ernie, I will transfer you to Stephan. I can't keep you since I am already a lost cause. I don't want you dying with me."