The undead 1

It seemed unbelievable to his ears that Aurora was like that. However, she was a charlatan for sure.

Stephan searched in his mind for a way to make a helper with the skull he had, he wanted Ragya back. No matter what she did before, at least, she was an ally. Furthermore, she belonged to his mother and anything his mother had, he wanted it back.

He brought out the skull and looked at it. There was no ritual or anything that would make a helper out of a skull. He had to draw mana from the tree and make one but he wanted Ragya back.

"How can I make Ragya a helper to you?"

"You want to use the human skull. You can't since using a skull is dark and evil. Why do you want her to be a helper? She might betray you since she belonged to the dream holders."

"She was my mother's servant. I want to give her another chance."