The Undead Night Knight

Life at the haven followed a certain pattern; the morning for hunting and exploring the surrounding areas while the evening for swordplay and practice. As Alexandre recruited quite the party, he had to put on the rules and establish borderlines. The night wasn't a time to go out since the shadows roamed around. He sent one of his men with Stephan while he returned with the satchel of jerked meat. His stomach was already growling and his mouth was already watering from hunger.

"So for how long will we stay in this Plaguelands?" Adelaide asked.

  "Until they die," he glanced at the man following them. They were whispering. "Alexander will return and find all his friends and family turned into undead. This is why I didn't want to go with them. We won't hunt either since we have enough food."

"If they died then, how can you progress with the quest?" Mike interjected. "How would it help and can't you just warn them?"