"He is like that. Not only with you, but even with Qiara, he is always indifferent even though he cares and loves other people. My Sunny always acts according to his mind without wanting to appear weak."

"Calm down and don't think complicated! Just approach him, he's a sociable kid. It's just that Sunny doesn't like to be bothered by other kids, hahaha! I think you two would get along well if you were close and friends."

"And you know what, you can ask him anything because Sunny's a genius!"

In Shine and Keanu's current conversation, both of them looked at Sunny who was sitting lazily on the swing next to Qiara.

"Brother, if I'm being honest, I also feel comfortable with you guys. I don't know if I have a strange feeling or if I don't know myself, I feel like I'm part of you," Keanu said honestly to Shine, who responded with a smile.

"Especially Aunt Alice. I like seeing a beautiful angel like her besides my mama. But it seems that my mama is not as good as Aunt Alice who can scold a big man like that uncle who keeps watching!" added Keanu with admiration to see Alice and even he compared with his mother.

"Every mother is amazing. But our mommy is indeed the best that God sent for me. Me, Sunny, Qiara, and even everyone loves mommy very much. She is my greatest fairy godmother, Keanu!" Shine adds to Keanu's admiration for Alice by praising Alice's greatness.

"You're right, Brother. Aunt Alice looks great. I like her, hehe!" Keanu again acknowledged his admiration for Alice's figure, "By the way, are your surnames the Garendra family?" continued Keanu asked.

"Hmm, yes, that's right. Is there something wrong?" replied Shine turning the question around.

"Hmm, it's okay, Bro. I'm just asking. My mama just happened to be working at Garendra Corporation as the CEO's secretary," Keanu said.

"Oh, yes? Does that mean your mama is our little uncle's secretary? Ah, what a pleasant coincidence. I hope your mama can long work with my uncle, hahaha!" Shine was seen laughing at Keanu when he found out that Keanu's mother was his uncle's secretary.

"Why are you laughing, Bro? Is there something wrong with the CEO? Is that person so scary and cruel that my mama probably won't survive there?" Keanu started asking confused.

"No, that's not what it means," Shine replied straightening Keanu's assumption, "My uncle is neither scary nor cruel at his job. Uncle is not as stiff as my dad when it comes to serious mode. But that doesn't mean my uncle isn't serious about his job. He's just a little goofy and likes to joke around when he's relaxed. But, that's what makes many women approach him to the point that Aunt Mona, uncle's fiancé, is often jealous of his secretary!" Shine briefly explained his uncle's profile.

"Hmm, it's only right that mom looks like a man and covers her beautiful face when she goes to work," Keanu muttered and his face looked sluggish after that.

"What are you saying? Dress like a man?" Shine asked in surprise and Keanu nodded again.

Before Keanu could speak again, Mark came to call the two of them.

"Shine, Sunny, Qiara, get ready to get out of the playground, huh!" called Mark from a distance not too far from them, and a few moments later, Alice came out of the principal's office.

Keanu saw the figure of the beautiful aunt Alice who was already near Mark. Keanu also walked toward Alice who seemed to want to talk to his children again.

"Sunny, listen to me. I will pick up daddy at the airport. Please keep your attitude sweet, honey, and please don't make a fuss on your first day, okay?" Alice messages her son, "And you Qiara, tell me if Sunny throws a tantrum. Not just you or other kids. Don't be afraid of Sunny's threats or his persuasion, okay? remember that, honey!" Alice continued who turned and spoke to Qiara.

"I know, Auntie! I'm not afraid of Sunny, because there's nothing to be afraid of. Sunny looks arrogant but I know he is a very good boy. Be careful on the road, Aunty! You too, Uncle Mark!" Qiara replied with a big smile.

"Oh my God, Mommy… Why did you give her such a message? Is all this necessary? Even without her blaming me on you, you can figure it all out, right? You embarrassed me, hmm!" Sunny complained at his mommy's orders which made him embarrassed.

Keanu chuckled when he saw Sunny's complaint to his mom about Qiara. Especially when Shine rubbed his little brother's hair.

"Well, you don't have to grumble like that. Mommy is like that so that you remain a good and sweet child. Aren't you the cutest Sunny, huh?" Shine teased his little brother.

"Come on, Bro. Your words don't comfort me at all, you know?" Sunny replied lazily.

"You're my sweetest Sunny, aren't you? Why are you shy, honey?" this time the mommy said while pinching Sunny's soft cheeks, "Sunny, listen to me carefully!" Alice continued speaking a little seriously right in front of Sunny's face until her son turned his lazy face into a serious one.

'Sunny is a sweet boy. And I think what Brother Shine said earlier was true, hehe!' Keanu laughed inside. But after seeing and hearing what Aunt Alice said to Sunny, Keanu became confused.

"So che provi qualcosa di diverso da quel ragazzo di nome Keanu, giusto? Continua a essere gentile e tieni d'occhio il suo comportamento, Sunny! Lo so, capisci di cosa sono preoccupato in questo momento."

(I know you feel something different from that kid named Keanu, right? Keep being nice and keep an eye on his behavior, Sunny! I know you understand what I'm worried about right now.)

"Dopo che papà tornerà a casa, ci incontreremo per discutere di cosa sono preoccupato in questo momento, tesoro. Capisci?"

(After daddy comes home we'll get together to discuss what I'm worried about right now, honey. Do you understand?)

Alice deliberately spoke to Sunny in Italian, because Alice knew her son was proficient and understood the foreign language. Just remember the nationality of Black Lion, which is from that country. Of course everything about his daddy, Sunny knows.

"Per ora non capisco cosa ti faccia diffidare della presenza di un bambino così piccolo, mamma. Ma seguirò le tue parole. Rimarrò vigile. Ti fidi di me!"

(For now, I don't understand what makes you wary of the presence of such a small child, Mom. But I will follow your words. I will remain vigilant. You just trust me!) Sunny replied with a happy smile to his mommy and after that, his gaze shifted to Keanu who returned his gaze intensely.

"Sei il migliore, tesoro. Sei un genio figlio di Leone e un intelligente figlio di Sean. Ti amo, Sunny. Stai attento. Vado per primo, tesoro!"

(You're the best, honey. You're a genius Lion son and a smart Sean son. I love you, Sunny. Take care. I'm going first, honey!) said the mommy after their secret chat ended.

'I know they are talking about me in a language I don't understand. But why? I don't want to know anything about them,' Keanu said quietly in his heart. He was sad because Aunt Alice was talking about it right in front of him right now.

Alice straightened up with a bit of difficulty after a few squats to talk to Sunny. She realized that now all eyes were on her.

"Why is everyone looking at me, hmm?" Alice asked all the children in front of her, "I just whispered something to Sunny so that Sunny wouldn't do anything stupid. Sunny is a super-duper extraordinary child, hahaha!" Alice's laughter distracted the children's concerns.

Alice seems to be taking a step closer to Keanu who looks a little gloomy.

"I like you, Keanu. I hope we can meet again another time. If possible, I would love to meet your great mother, but unfortunately, I have a lot of work to do. See you soon, Keanu!" Alice said before leaving Keanu, Sunny, and Qiara in the school garden with two of Alice's men to look after them.

"Sunny, doesn't your mother like me? I don't know why when you two used a different language, it felt like you were talking about me?" Keanu asked out of curiosity.

"Why are they talking about you, Keanu? You're a good boy, and Aunt Alice can't possibly dislike you!" Qiara responded quickly, "Am I right, Sunny?" she continued asking Sunny but Sunny's expression right now doesn't look good.

"Qiara, do you still want to play before the homeroom teacher calls us?" Sunny asked in his calm tone and demeanor. Although confused, Qiara still nodded happily.

"Yeah, go back there. I'll be waiting for you here with Keanu!" Sunny said to Qiara and in an instant, Qiara was running happily to the playground.

"You purposely made Qiara leave so we could have a serious talk, didn't you?" asked Keanu matter-of-factly.