"S-Sunny, who are those people? Why do they all look like bodyguards?" Cherry asked Sunny, and when Sunny seemed reluctant to even listen to his question, Cherry came back to her senses.

'Of course, they are the guards of the Garendra family. How could I ever ask Sunny such a stupid question?' continued Cherry whispered in her heart. Her panic made his IQ drop to think faster.

Evacuation runs quite complicated considering the steep terrain and also the overturned position of the car. But with the help of dozens of people there who seemed willing to die and get injured to save the victims in the ill-fated car.

With all their efforts, in the end, their cooperation paid off. Cherry and Sunny waited almost an hour with high anxiety and finally, they both saw one by one the victims were painstakingly removed from the wrecked car.

Cherry gasped for a moment when she saw the body of a beautiful woman with a big belly covered in blood, and when Cherry's eyes saw streaks of blood coming from the base of the woman's leg, who was Sunny's mommy, Cherry screamed instantly.

"Argh, hurry and take her to the hospital! She's bleeding! Her leg is bleeding!" Cherry was almost hysterical before realizing that there was still Sunny in need of a hand at a crucial time like this.

"Mom?! Pick up my mommy quickly?! Uncle Troy, hurry up! Hurry up, Uncle!" while shouting, Sunny also burst into tears.

The little body almost fell off following the people there if it wasn't for Cherry to hold it tightly.

"Sunny, calm down! Your mommy will be safe in no time! They got her out! Calm down, honey!" Cherry persuaded Sunny with the same panic.

A second later a male voice sounded more panicked than everyone else.

"Alice?!" shouted a man who ran straight to the people who were trying to lift Sunny's mommy.

"Daddy, quickly pick up mommy!" Sunny shouted, crying louder.

"Shine?!" another scream came from a man who was no less fast running to meet the many people down there.

Cherry, who was confused amid the chaos of this situation, could only remain silent and continue to pay attention to the situation while still holding onto Sunny's body which could be released at any time to catch up with the people there.

"Calm down, Sunny. Everyone is trying. Pray that everything will be okay!" Cherry spoke again to calm Sunny.

"Don't take my mommy, God! You've already taken my Daddy... Don't take mommy from me, please..."

Cherry could hear what Sunny was mumbling in his tears, even though Sunny was using another language.

But Cherry chose not to ask even though she was confused by what Sunny said about her parents.


"Why did this happen?! Come here! Leave Alice to me! You helped Thunder save Shine!" said Troy's brother ordered.

"But, Bro! Look, Alice is bleeding, we have to take her to the hospital immediately!" Troy said, "I'll take the car, you just hold Alice! Hurry up, we don't have much time left! All of them and Thunder are trying, Bro!" continued Troy persuaded his brother.

Hearing Troy half yelling at him, the panicked older brother agreed to follow Troy's suggestion.

"Hurry up, help me get upstairs!" replied the brother.

When Troy and his brother brought Sunny's mommy body up, Sunny immediately broke free from Cherry's hug.

Sunny immediately met his mother's bloodied body and roared again.

"Mommy! Get up and look at me, Mom!" Sunny shouted to the mommy, while the daddy couldn't calm his son when his face was so pale looking at his wife.

"Sunny, calm down! Calm yourself, Sunny! Be strong! Your Mommy will be fine!"

This time it was Troy who hugged his panicked nephew. Without thinking, when he saw Cherry there, Troy turned his head and ordered Cherry at once.

"Cherry, can you drive?" Troy asked, Cherry, nodded her head, "Please take Sunny home now. I'm taking my sister-in-law to the hospital!"

"I don't want to!? I want to be with mommy! Don't make me leave mommy!" Sunny immediately shouted rejecting his uncle's words to Cherry.

"Don't keep me away from mommy, Uncle! Dad, I want to be with mommy!" Sunny cried and then asked for his father's approval.

Again, Troy's brother did not budge or rise from the immense confusion and shock.

Troy made a decision again.

"Okay listen to me! Cherry, you take Sunny in my car. Follow us to the hospital now!" After ordering in a panic, Troy immediately shook the body of his brother who was still unconscious from his panic.

"Do you want to keep looking at Alice's face like that?! Remember your wife and baby! You have to be strong, Bro!"

"Come on, hurry up!"

Troy guided his brother to immediately bring his wife's bloodied body to one of the cars there. Followed by Cherry who immediately carried Sunny to Troy's car.

Along the way, only Sunny sobs could be heard. Cherry's entry into Sunny's sadness was so intense that she was left behind from the car Troy was driving in front of her earlier.

Cherry couldn't possibly keep up with the speed of the car that was very fast like a car in the devil's trajectory. But luckily, Troy had already told her the address of the hospital they were going to.

Cherry rushed while bringing Sunny into the hospital building after parking her boss's car. When he and Sunny were in the corridor in front of the operating room, both of them gasped at the sight that shocked them.


Troy slapped his brother's face and shook his brother's body repeatedly while shouting.

"Do you still want to be stupid right now, Huh?! If you are this broken then what about Alice who is still not awake yet?!"

"Remember Alice and your daughter, Bro! Remember Shine and Sunny! Stay strong and tough, Bro! Everyone needs you! We will support each other, Bro! Please don't prolong your fears, Bro!"

Troy expresses his own emotions to Sean, his brother.

Sunny's hand which was originally still in Cherry's grip, immediately let go of the grip and then ran towards her father's figure.

'A great man like Sean Garendra can be this weak when he worries about his wife's condition,'

'Who would have thought, sitting down crying and looking down was a man known to be great in the business world?'

'Love is crazy, because of it, everyone who loves the woman inside is as devastating as it is right now. That's one example of life in addition to the story of my life. I saw Vano as devastated when I left first, and now, I see the same scene though with a different case. Ahhh, why does love hurt so much?'

In her mumbling, Cheery cried. She was a silent witness to a rare sight like this that probably no one else but herself would find.

"Don't hit my daddy, Uncle! You can't do that to daddy?!" Sunny shouted at his uncle who was still beating his daddy who didn't fight back at all.

"You see, Bro?! Even Sunny can still think straight to scold me so that I don't keep hitting you! Come on, Bro! Be strong! Look at Sunny who is also sad with our current situation!" Troy shouted back at his brother who was not yet aware of his brother's current weakness.

Sean turned to face his little son who was crying. He started to hug Sunny tightly and seemed to regret his current weak attitude.

"Sunny, I'm sorry, son! I'm too upset with mommy's situation. I'm sorry for ignoring you," Sean said while crying hugging Sunny.

And now, in Cherry's view, three men of different ages are strengthening each other with their current sadness.

Troy turned to Cherry who was not far from them. Troy walked slowly towards Cherry.

"Sorry, because you have to see all this mess. I never expected my sister-in-law to have an accident like this, and her condition-"

"How about the baby, I don't know about my other niece either,"

Troy, who was arrogant and sometimes silly to Cherry, now seemed to be a different person with his head down. Troy looks just as devastated as Sunny and Sean.

"Boss, calm down..." Cherry tried to calm Troy by patting Troy's back a few times. Whether it was appropriate or not, Cherry only meant to cheer her boss up.

"Keep a positive mind and keep praying for the best. I hope Mrs. Alice and the baby will be fine. Mustn't you strengthen your brother and Sunny too? So where is the strength that was with you?" Cherry advises her boss to stay strong.

"Hey, why do you sound like you're lecturing me? Even when you're nagging me!" Troy grumbled while bowing his head.

"That's not a lecture, boss. You have to be strong! You're-"

Cherry's words stopped when she heard the arrival of many people entering the operating room corridor.

Cheery could see that the man who had come with Sean Garendra had pushed the patient's bed on which a teenage figure lay on it. Followed by many men dressed all in black pushing patient beds with foreign-looking men with severe head injuries. As seen from the blood-smeared from his head.