Note: (Word error) Damian did not have a gunshot wound to the stomach but a stab wound to the stomach. Thank you...

The name Eagle Murphy was used as the name of their mafia group, and Damian became a living witness to the group's journey until he grew up and spent time with the mafia group.

Narcotics dealers, suppliers of counterfeit money, robbery of state assets, assassins, and also trafficking in women were carried out by the group to make the Eagle Murphy mafia group respected by the American mainland.

How about Damian? Yes, Damian turned into a ruthless mafia according to his daily life as a criminal, his reason and ego also changed. Until he was faced with a meeting point with a woman named Lisa that night.

This change occurred when one day he was given a mission to eliminate a member of the opposing camp, named Black Dragon.

The Black Dragon itself is a legendary mafia group that has always ruled the American mainland with a hereditary leadership system.

That night was Damian's unlucky night because even though he had killed the third son of the leader of the Black Dragon at that time, he had also been shot and beaten by two of the victims' brothers he had killed.

But in fact, Damian who was so slippery could escape from the ambush of the tough guys who beat him until his body was helplessly covered in blood.

Damian continued to run with his firearm which wasn't very useful as it only contained two bullets. While the people chasing him numbered in the tens.

A weak body with a wound right in his stomach made Damian stumble in a narrow alley between the flats in the suburbs of Los Angeles.

Damian sat moaning under the window of an open room, and that was a golden opportunity that Damian didn't waste at that time. Damian entered the room of a kind and beautiful girl named Lisa.


Dawn broke when Lisa just opened her eyes after being unconscious all night. Lisa's eyes blinked a few times when she saw the hands wrapped around her waist when she felt someone grab her from behind, and when she found a strong arm that looked like a man, Lisa immediately jumped up and got up from her bed.

"You?! Ah, I mean... What are you doing here?!"

Even Lisa was disturbed when she asked Damian who looked painfully holding his stomach.

"Can't you move slowly when you get out of bed? You even bumped the wound in my stomach!" groaned Damian who kept wincing in pain. Damian wasn't lying because his face was indeed very pale and beads of sweat could be seen starting to build upon his forehead.

"I'm sorry… I was surprised that you were behind me!" answered Lisa who didn't know what to do because she was still very afraid of Damian.

Of course. Who is not afraid of the gunman who bursts into the house at night with bloodstained clothes.


At the memory of the word blood, Lisa's eyes immediately straight to Damian's body. She felt like laughing when she saw Damian wearing her belly corset. But it was very cruel if Lisa did that to Damian because Lisa also saw very well that her belly girdle also had the color of blood seeping from Damian's stomach.

"Then how about you? Are you okay? The wound on your stomach seems wide. Even though you've covered it with my clothes, the blood still seeps out. May I see the wound?" Lisa ventured to ask about Damian's condition. But who would have thought that Damian was too rude to speak even though his complicated face couldn't cover the pain in his stomach area?

"Don't come any closer! I can't guarantee your safety! I'm not a good person!" Damian warned Lisa not to come any closer when the pain in his stomach grew so bad that Damian groaned.

Lisa who was originally afraid to be brave because she saw Damian was in so much pain holding his stomach. Lisa didn't care about Damian's threats anymore. Ignoring Damian, Lisa immediately stretched out her hand to open the abdominal support corset that Damian was currently wearing, and sure enough, it turned out that the bandage for the wound on his stomach was soaked with blood.

Lisa swiftly cleaned and treated the torn wound caused by a sharp object in Damian's stomach without any more awkwardness.

Lisa ignored her fears and continued to take care of Damian to get better. Armed with a little knowledge about first aid for health problems taught by her adoptive mother who is a doctor, Lisa seems to be diligent in sewing the wound hit by a sharp weapon in Damian's stomach.

"Are you a doctor?" asked Damian who felt that Lisa was pretty good at tending her wound.

Lisa shook her head briefly.

"My mother is a doctor. But my mother always takes me to check on patients who can't come to the hospital or my mother's clinic..." Lisa explained without looking up from the wound she was sewing.

"Then why are you so brave to deal with this serious wound in my stomach? Are you deliberately using me as a test subject because you want to repay me for what I did to you?" Damian commented after being flabbergasted at Lisa who is not a doctor but dares to give him serious treatment.

"Can't you just shut up? Or just lie down so I can kill you more easily, ah- I mean treating your wounds!" Lisa almost slipped out of her sentence so Damian was a little worried about his situation later.

"Y-you?!" called Damian who suddenly wanted to stay away from Lisa but in fact, the wound was getting worse when he moved spontaneously.

"You stubborn human! I told you to calm down, but you're still like this! Don't you know you can die with injuries like this?!" Lisa nagged at Damian using Indonesian because she was sure, Damian would not understand Lisa's grumbling to him.

"Hey, I know you're swearing in a language I don't understand!" Damian chirps in between pain as Lisa stitches up the wound while grumbling.

"You thought I was going to tell you what I said to you earlier, huh? I'm very satisfied with cursing you when you don't understand what I'm saying!" Lisa ignored Damian's scolding and continued to grumble with a sly smile as she almost finished sewing up Damian's wound.

"You are a brave woman, huh!" Damian praised Lisa who dared ignore his words.

Lisa didn't respond to Damian's words because right now she was too focused on finishing Damian's stitches.

"It's done. You can get up and sit down but slowly or the stitches will tear again!" Lisa reminded Damian without turning Damian's face.

The fear returned when she realized that the man in front of her was fine.

"Are you a Policeman who was counterattacked by the criminal you were supposed to catch?" Lisa dared to speak her mind.

Damian smiled looking at Lisa's current frightened face.

"Do you think I'm like a cop? What is your reason for asking and guessing like that?"

Lisa frowned upon hearing and saw Damian smiling as if mocking her.

"You carry a gun and people chase you at night. At least that's what I thought!" Lisa spoke honestly with her own opinion.

Damian smiled again at Lisa's innocence.

"Hey, naive girl! What era are you living in? Do you still think that only a cop has the right to hold a gun in his hand, huh?"

"I'm not a policeman. I'm a bad person who could hurt you if I wanted to. But sadly, I still have gratitude towards those who helped me. But maybe after this, I won't be kind enough not to hurt you, whatever what I was thinking."

"You are a beautiful girl. You're also an innocent girl. It would be very interesting if I could spend the night with you like I thought last night."

"But unfortunately my stomach hurts so much, so I can't do anything to you. I have to be content with just sleeping while hugging you from behind!"

"Believe me that this world is not as good as you think! But if that's what your eyes see, maybe it's because you've never seen another world different from what you've seen so far."

"And the point of what I'm saying is that I just wanted to remind you not to be too naive when dealing with other people. People who seem weak and kind to you may be the most dangerous people to yourself!"

Hearing Damian says that to her made Lisa even more scared. But even so, Lisa couldn't answer anything because it was true what Damian had said to her right now. People who look good are not necessarily good, and vice versa.

"Regardless of what happens, I do want to thank you. You are indeed a good girl because you didn't do anything rash like I asked you to."

"But if that girl was someone else and not you, I might as well have died with that girl in their hands!"

"Thank you very much for helping me and providing a place for me to hide all night. Soon I will leave this place, I have been picked up by my younger brother. They are already out there."

"Goodbye?" Damian said goodbye after saying at length ending his thanks to Lisa.