After all, Sunny was nowhere to be seen in the room. Even though Cheery wanted to ask Sunny about Alice's condition, she would ask Keanu on the way home later, because Cheery was sure that Sunny and Keanu had already exchanged stories when she left them earlier.

What is clear, Cheery wants to stay away from Troy at this time. Today's events made her very tired and confused. How could Keanu be the son of Troy when Cheery herself did not know who the biological father of her son was.

"Don't think too much about it. Everything that happened today wasn't entirely your fault either!" Troy replied casually and turned back to Keanu with a smile.

'What's with that saying? Not completely my fault? I'm innocent, okay? Which part was my fault, huh?'

Cheery who initially had apologized and first lowered herself to apologize for the inconvenience caused. But unexpectedly, Troy even sentenced her to half guilty.

But the mumbling in his heart didn't last long as Cheery's eyes fell on the smiles Troy and Keanu were throwing at each other. Cheery's heart warmed and a fleeting thought of selfishness entered him.

'The two of them look very similar. Am I exaggerating to hope that the boss is Keanu's father? Seeing their smiles, the burden of life seems to be lifted. Especially Keanu who looks happy like that...'

"What are you dreaming about again? Hurry up for the Star Fashion advert! I have a lot of work to do apart from receiving the complaints from investors!" Troy was half nagging Cheery.

"And one more thing, Cheery… I forgive you for not being honest with me from the start about all of this!" continued Troy again.

'Oh my… it's my fault again!' Cheery grumbled back again.

"Sorry, Boss. What did I do wrong? Wouldn't it be my fault if I denied the child artist manager's words, it wouldn't be my fault, would it? I have pride that I must defend under the authority you have given me in this advertisement! If it's something like that that you call my fault, then I reject your words flatly, Boss!" Cheery finally let out the annoyance that had accumulated in his heart.

Troy slapped his forehead with a smile.

"Are you done? Is that what's been on your mind ever since?" Troy asked and Cheery nodded confusedly, "Gosh, Cheery… that's not what I meant by your mistake!" continued Troy.

"Then… what was my fault?" Cheery was confused.

"Keanu!" said Troy, "It's your fault that you didn't tell me it was Keanu that you were going to be Sunny's partner! If you had been honest with me from the start, things wouldn't have ended up like this!"

"I will reject them outright and tell them that the models will be my nephew and son. If that's the case they won't argue a word against us!" Troy explained Cheery's mistake, "Am I right, Keanu?" continued Troy to Keanu with a sweet smile.

"What Papa said is very true!" said Keanu.

"What?! What did you just say, Keanu?!" Cheery immediately asked with a confused and shocked expression, "What do you call your mama's boss?"

"Papa! I call him Papa!" Keanu answered casually and Keanu's relaxed attitude made his mother walk quickly and approached him who was still sitting on the sofa.

"Papa? You call him 'Papa'? What do you think, Keanu?" Cheery questioned Keanu's thoughts by shaking her son slightly.

"Why can't you even pay attention to what you're saying, Keanu? Why call my boss with that title? That's so disrespectful!" Cheery advised her son.

Neither Keanu nor Troy objected as if they had agreed to let Cheery nag them.

Before Cheery finished grumbling, a woman's voice who immediately came in with her call to Cheery interrupted Cheery's scolding instantly.

"Cheery! How could you be so careless and make such a big fuss in our office, huh?!"

Sania came and immediately scolded Cheery who she was sure was there. Because before entering the manager's room, Cheery had asked the owner of the room about Cheery's whereabouts. But Star Fashion's manager didn't have time to tell Sania that Cheery might not be alone in her room.

And who would have thought that Sania's tirade was heard by Keanu and Troy, and Sania immediately gasped when she realized that Cheery was not alone.

"Aunt Sania, how are you?" Keanu immediately greeted Sania who was still surprised.

"Hi, my dear Keanu..." Cheery replied with a clumsy smile because right now her attention was more focused on the big boss of her company.

"Oh, you know them?" asked Troy and Sania only answered the question with a nod of her head, "I should have thought from the start that you two have a brotherly relationship. I just remembered your family's last names are both Dewari if I'm not mistaken! Right?" continued Troy said.

"Yeah, that's right, Boss… Cheery is my cousin. We have the same grandfather, Boss!" Sania replied awkwardly, "Sorry, Boss… can I talk to Cheery now? I have something important to discuss with Cheery."

"Hmm… go ahead! I'm also tired of hearing her nagging. Take her and just leave Keanu here. I'll take Keanu home. Besides, it's almost time to go home from work now," Troy replied.

"Not! Keanu will come home with me, Boss!" Cheery immediately refused, "Keanu, greet Mr. Ceo and let's go home! We will go home with Aunt Sania!" Cheery's command was heard.

Troy also can't do much even though he wants to spend more time with Keanu to share stories.

In the car…

"Cheery, what happened, huh? Do you know how I felt today before seeing you fine and calm like this with the boss? I feel like I want to fly to your place in an instant!" Sania did not cover her anxiety over Cheery.

"You are too much! I will always be fine. Since when have I been so weak with the bluffs of people who insulted me?" Cheery replied in a weak tone. He seemed tired, "Then what happened at the office?"

"In Miss Annastasia's room, there was an uproar due to the manager of the young artist who is a member of Star Fashion, who is her relative. That woman said in a loud voice that our boss had a relationship with you and produced your illegitimate child!"

"Ah- sorry, I didn't mean to, Cheery!" explained Sania who immediately gasped regretfully for mentioning illegitimate children when Keanu watched them.

"I'm sorry, son! I didn't mean to say that. Auntie is very sorry, Keanu…" Sania again apologized to Keanu.

"I understand, Auntie. I know very well what is going on right now because of my presence in Mama's office, and just now Aunt Sania was just telling Mama what I heard from your office. I'm not at all angry, Aunty… It's a common thing since it was and has happened to this day," as if all the pain was familiar to him, Keanu replied with a sad expression he was trying to hide.

How heartbroken Cheery was when her very young son had to hear such insults from other people. But what can she do because other people are innocent?

What is it called if a child is born from a relationship outside of marriage? Especially with Keanu's status whose own mother cannot explain who the father of her son is.

If only she could, had she known who the man who made her pregnant at that time was, even though he was dead, Cheery would be able to answer all the insults to protect her son.

But not at all. Cheery can only cry in silence even though her son is suffering. Until this moment, Cheery couldn't tell the truth about the situation to bring Keanu into the world.

Either because of shame or feeling very inappropriate in the end, both choices made Keanu very disappointed in her. Cheery really can't answer anything...

'I'm sorry Cheery… I didn't mean to say that to you earlier, I was too panicked…' Sania very sorry and at this time she couldn't repeat her apology to Cheery and Keanu.

The current atmosphere is not conducive. Keanu was silent pensively with a blank look at the atmosphere outside the car. While Cheery was seen holding each other's hands tightly and crying silently. No sound or sobs. Everything was silent and the atmosphere in the car became silent.

The tires of the car had just squeaked when the brakes pulled according to the owner's movement. The three of them arrived in front of Cherry's house, and when Sania had just turned off the engine of her car, Keanu immediately opened the door and got out of the car.

"Keanu are you home, honey? Grandma was worried when you didn't come home from school at your usual time. But grandma was calmer after asking your mom on the phone," Mrs. Lisa immediately greeted Keanu who looked gloomy.

But Keanu's attitude made the grandmother wonder, what made her grandson like that?