"I can't give you an answer right now. Let me think about what you said and what you asked of me."

"In addition to my shock to see you in front of me with a changed appearance and identity, you also just stated your perception of someone close to the Garendra family with different views from mine, even though what you said is true,"

"I hope you understand. I will go!"

Mona says what's on her mind right now.

"May I come with you, Mona? I want to meet Qiara…" Helena asked in a pitiful tone as she grabbed Mona's hand just before Mona turned her body.

Mona's face looks very doubtful of Helena's spontaneous actions. Especially when Qiara's name was mentioned, the instinct of a woman who was loving in Mona's chest was aroused.

But Mona's reason and common sense persist when she remembers, that if she had brought Helena to her house, Helena would have been caught by Alice's people who were guarding the area around their house.