Along with Shine and Alice's cries, Clover was also heard crying loudly. Alice quickly picked up the little daughter and kissed and hugged the little one until she calmed down, and after that Alice turned to Cherry and handed her daughter to Cheery.

"Please keep my son and daughter with you, Cheery. I will also try to bring our sons home safely. I can ask you this, can't I?" said Alice to Cheery.

Despite crying, scared, and confused. Cheery accepted Clover and nodded at Alice.

"I will protect Shine and Clover with my own life just as you risked yours for our sons! Come back safely, Alice!" Cheery answered while crying.

"Pray to God for us that we come home well!" Alice said with a smile. Alice hugged Cheery from the side followed by hugging Shine tightly and kissing the forehead of Clover who was back asleep.

"I go first!" said Alice with a brief and steady preparation. Alice left her room and rushed to the parking lot of her husband's mansion.