Dot only Rose, but even Sean, Troy, Mark, and Lily also ran to Shine and Cheery who were still in Dante's arms.


A shot from Dante managed to shock Rose and all. But the shot seemed to only aim at Rose and made Rose dodge instantly.

"It turns out that the movement of a Black Rose is so fast. No wonder the price of your head is so expensive, hahaha! But why did you weak when facing the attack of an amateur woman like that?" Dante laughed and mocked Rose.

"And all of you, if you want to deliver your lives for nothing, please come forward! I don't mind taking you to the Angel of Death at the same time!" continued Dante.

"You cruel man! How can you hurt small children and weak women like them?! I am your enemy! I am the woman you've been looking for! Why did you destroy my family that didn't disturb you, you bastard?!" Rose was furious.

Dante just laughed at Rose's anger.